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“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…” |
At this moment hath arrived a letter in which thou
hast praised the believers of Rangoon, especially Seyed
….….., Mirza ….….., Mirza ….….. and
Khai Khosroe
who sacrificed his life for thine; ea,
this is the truth! Consider what a difference exists between
his country and thine and what a great effect
this Bahai spirit hath manifested that an oriental sacrificed
his life for an Occidental! What attraction, what
love, what relationship is this! Blessed are those who
are able to arrive at an understanding of the reality of
the power of this love!
Concerning Mr. ….….., one of the Hindus of
whom thou hast written: Say to him, “To me thou
art not a stranger, but a friend; thou art not unknown,
but known.”
Thou hast spoken of a spiritual wave. This is not
a wave, but a sea; nay, the very ocean! But this is not
to destroy the cities, but to purify them; and soon it will
submerge them all. This does not mean destruction,
but salvation; it is not death, but life; it is not enmity,
but love; it is not pain; it is a remedy. The world of
existence is the body, and this is its spirit; this immense
world is the glass [chimney], and this is the lamp
[lighted wick]; humanity is the heaven, and this is its
sun. The signs of this bounty are clear and visible.
The proof is the changing of the characters of the
friends and the perfection that the believers have made
in their actions and words: They were dark, they became
luminous; they were terrestrial, they became
celestial; they were human, they became divine; they
were diabolic, they became angelic; they were a drop,
they became the sea; they were an atom, they became
the sun. These are the signs of those who are entirely
submerged by this wave; that is to say, this ocean.
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Khai Khosroe was a Zoroastrian Bahai of Bombay, India, who left his home and went to Lahore to nurse Mr. Sydney Sprague who was sick of a fever. Mr. Sprague recovered, while the great Khai Khosroe died. He was the first Oriental friend to give his life for a Western Bahai brother.
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