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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Pages 66-67   

“O thou spiritual friend!…”

O thou spiritual friend!
Verily, I was informed of the contents of thy letter and increased gratitude unto God, for that He hath granted the friends clear consciences, pure and holy hearts, attraction unto the Kingdom of God, enkindlement by the fire of the love and humbleness to God.
Glad-tidings unto ye for this abundant blessing, sufficient 67 bounties, wide mercy, glorious appearances; therefore, be united in hearts and spirits, strive so that ye may obtain the great favors, attain to the overflowing chalice, perform charity (good deeds), gain the spirit of life, attracted by the fragrance and depend on the Lord of Signs. At that time your faces will be illumined, your souls holy, your hearts severed from this world and attached to the Supreme Concourse, and you will call out with the most loud voice: “Glad-tidings unto us through these divine favors and blessed are we by this heavenly guidance!”
I was glad in heart when I saw thy likeness in the photograph and looked at the resemblance like the reality of thy identity and thanked God witnessing the light of God in thy beautiful face.
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