A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O ye dear servants of God!….” 678 |
O ye
dear servants of God!
I ask God to make the heart of every one of you a
temple of the Divine Temples and to let the lamp of
the great guidance be lighted therein; and when the
hearts find such an attainment, they will certainly exert
the utmost endeavor and energy in the building of the
Mashrak-el-Azcar; thus may the outward express the
inward, and the form (or letter) indicate the meaning
(or reality).
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To three maid-servants at Chicago.
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The Bab.
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