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“O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!…” |
Give thanks unto God for having revealed unto thee,
in visions, the mysteries of His Kingdom and for having
strengthened thee to attain certain revelations which
show thine utmost attraction and constancy unto this
great Cause.
Verily, the three birds are the three holy souls. The
one on the right is His Holiness the great Bab, the one
on the left is His Honor the Khudoos,
the glorious
soul, and the great bird in the middle is the Greatest
The light shining from the Supreme Horizon
is the Beauty of El-Abha. These birds descended from
an infinite height and the nearer they came to earth the
more their majesty and glory became manifest. All nations
were promised by a sure promise and were awaiting
with anxiety and longing the coming of the Promised
One. The two birds accompanying the great bird in
the center signifies that the Bab and His Honor the
Khudoos were both under the wings of the Greatest
name. As those birds descended and their shadows extended
vertically over the expectants, as the sun approacheth
the zenith at noontide, at this time thou hast
seen a majestic being in the form of man upon the back
of the huge bird in the center. This person in the
human form is the “divine station” mentioned in the
Bible: “Let us make man in our image after our likeness.”
And the divine lights were reflected from the
reality of the Greatest Name. Although this station
is far from the minds and understandings, yet its lights
are apparent, its rays reflected and its brilliancy manifested
throughout the universe.
The white garments signify holy dignity and a station
sanctified from color, i.e., free from the universal
conditions and material qualities. That luminous countenance,
manifested in beauty, signifieth that the divine
lights shone forth from the human form, which were
reflected and descended upon thee, dazzling the eyes of
those who were perceiving it as the sun dazzles the
eyes of those who try to look upon it. That divine form
manifested itself in America and entered the great
Temple which shall soon be constructed therein. This
glorious Temple resembles the Oriental edifices and soon
thou wilt see it erected there with a most solid foundation
and strongest basis. That divine face will beam
upon numberless souls who will enter this Temple.
Regarding the table laid in that magnificent house:
This is the heavenly table of divine knowledge, love
and eternal life. As to the people gathered there, they
are the beloved of God and His chosen ones whose faces
shine with wonderful and heavenly beauty. The woman
sitting at the side of the Temple is the law of God,
which will soon dispel all veils and its beauty will appear,
after which it shall be established forever and ever. The
stamped coins presented to the woman sitting in that
honored station, are the good deeds and actions of the
beloved of God and His maid-servants, submitted with
praise, greetings and great thanksgiving unto that holy
law. The beautiful woman is blessed by being touched
by that Merciful Being the glory of whose blessing
shall suffuse the universe. Then the Merciful Being returned
to His station, mounting the bird and ascended
to the Supreme Horizon in the infinite realm.
This vision showeth that thou, O confirmed and attracted
one, by the breezes of God will soon be acquainted
with the ancient mysteries, for the Manifest
Light will appear to thee. The vision also signifieth
that a Mashrak-el-Azcar will soon be established in
America. The cries of supplication and invocation will
be raised to the Highest Kingdom therefrom and, verily,
the people will enter into the religion of God by troops
with great enthusiasm and attraction.
Concerning thy vision of the angels surrounding the
great white throne: This “throne” is the body of the
Greatest name. The beautiful and glorious person
riding upon the white horse is the Greatest Name and
the white horse means also His glorious body. The
herald who proclaimed the written names is Abdul-Baha
who announceth the names of those who deserve
salvation and are firm in the Covenant of God, and
thou art one of those people, the people of salvation.
Be thankful for this great favor.
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Khudoos, literally, Holy; the title given to one of the great martyrs of Persia.
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