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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Page 704   

“O thou who art preparing to receive knowledge from…”

O thou who art preparing to receive knowledge from the Herald of the Kingdom!
I have read thy letter in which thou showed thy desire toward the divine teachings and the texts of the knowledge of Truth. Blessed thou art and more blessed thou shalt be if thy feet be firm, thy heart tranquil through the fragrance of His Holy Spirit and thy secret and hidden thoughts pure before the Lord of Hosts! Then, by God the Truth! the hosts of the angels of the Kingdom shall surround thee and convey to all thy limbs and veins the Spirit of Life; thy tongue shall utter fluently and distinctly the most eloquent and clear words and thoughts; thy bosom shall be cheered with joy through the appearance of the evident texts; thy face shall be illuminated, among the daughters of the Kingdom, with the light of firmness; the door of glad-tidings shall be opened before thy face and thou shalt receive knowledge through the symbolic signs descending from the heavenly Kingdom in the Books and Tablets!
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