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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Pages 82-83   

“O ye sincere ones and ye who are attracted and moved…”

O ye 1 sincere ones and ye who are attracted and moved by the breeze of the favor of God!
Verily, I have read the names of your beloved assembly which deserves to be mentioned with sanctity and which attracts the confirmation of the loving Lord and seeks to attain to the favors of God, the Mighty, the Compassionate!
I beseech God at all times, with all supplication, humility and lowliness, to confirm these souls who have no purpose in their deliberation and consultations save to seek the merciful bounties and the divine invisible confirmations.
I hope and request, through the bounty of my Lord, 83 that the greatest assistance and the most eminent confirmation be granted unto you when ye are firm and steadfast and withstand every difficulty which may befall you in spreading the Cause of God in those regions.
By the life of God, all the confirmations of the Kingdom of God will surround those whose hearts are firm, whose feet are steadfast and whose souls are tranquilized in the Most Great Cause.
Consider ye the past centuries, how a single one of the beloved of God withstood all the people on the earth because of his firmness in the love of God, and his entire turning of the heart toward the Kingdom of God and with the cup of his heart overflowing with the wine of the knowledge of God.
Be ye assured with the greatest assurance that, verily, God will help those who are firm in His Covenant in every matter, through His confirmation and favor, the lights of which will shine forth unto the east of the earth, as well as the west thereof. He will make them the signs of guidance among the creation and as shining and glittering stars from all horizons.
Consequently, do ye beseech unto God and pray and supplicate Him and ask Him for the greatest gift and eminent favor.
1. To the Racine assembly.   [ Back To Reference]
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