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Queen Victoria |
171 |
O Queen in London! Incline thine ear unto the voice of thy
Lord, the Lord of all mankind, calling from the Divine Lote-Tree: Verily, no
God is there but Me, the Almighty, the All-Wise! Cast away all that is on earth,
and attire the head of thy kingdom with the crown of the remembrance of thy
Lord, the All-Glorious. He, in truth, hath come unto the world in His most
great glory, and all that hath been mentioned in the
Gospel hath been fulfilled. The land of Syria hath been honoured
by the footsteps of its Lord, the Lord of all men, and north and south are
both inebriated with the wine of His presence. Blessed is the man that hath
inhaled the fragrance of the Most Merciful, and turned unto the Dawning-Place
of His Beauty, in this resplendent Dawn. The Mosque of Aqsá vibrateth
through the breezes of its Lord, the All-Glorious, whilst Bathá 1
at the voice of God, the Exalted, the Most High. Whereupon every single stone
of them celebrateth the praise of the Lord, through this Great Name.
172 |
Lay aside thy desire, and set then thine heart towards thy
Lord, the Ancient of Days. We make mention of thee for the sake of God, and
desire that thy name may be exalted through thy remembrance of God, the Creator
of earth and heaven. He, verily, is witness unto that which I say. We have
been informed that thou hast forbidden the trading in slaves, both men and
women. This, verily, is what God hath enjoined in this wondrous Revelation.
God hath, truly, destined a reward for thee, because of this. He, verily, will
pay the doer of good his due recompense, wert thou to follow what hath been
sent unto thee by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. As to him who
turneth aside, and swelleth with pride, after the clear tokens have come unto
him from the Revealer of signs, his work shall God bring to naught. He, in
truth, hath
power over all things. Man’s actions are acceptable after
his having recognized (the Manifestation). He that turneth aside from the True
One is indeed the most veiled amongst His creatures. Thus hath it been decreed
by Him Who is the Almighty, the Most Powerful.
173 |
We have also heard that thou hast entrusted the reins of counsel
into the hands of the representatives of the people. Thou, indeed, hast done
well, for thereby the foundations of the edifice of thine affairs will be strengthened,
and the hearts of all that are beneath thy shadow, whether high or low, will
be tranquillized. It behoveth them, however, to be trustworthy among His servants,
and to regard themselves as the representatives of all that dwell on earth.
This is what counselleth them, in this Tablet, He Who is the Ruler, the All-Wise.
And if any one of them directeth himself towards the Assembly, let him turn
his eyes unto the Supreme Horizon, and say: "O my God! I ask Thee, by
Thy most glorious Name, to aid me in that which will cause the affairs of Thy
servants to prosper, and Thy cities to flourish. Thou, indeed, hast power over
all things!" Blessed is he that entereth the Assembly for the sake of
God, and judgeth between men with pure justice. He, indeed, is of the blissful.
174 |
O ye the elected representatives of the people in every land!
Take ye counsel together, and let your concern be only for that which profiteth
mankind and bettereth the condition thereof, if ye be of them that scan heedfully.
Regard the world as the human body which, though at its creation whole and
perfect, hath
been afflicted, through various causes, with grave disorders
and maladies. Not for one day did it gain ease, nay its sickness waxed more
severe, as it fell under the treatment of ignorant physicians, who gave full
rein to their personal desires and have erred grievously. And if, at one time,
through the care of an able physician, a member of that body was healed, the
rest remained afflicted as before. Thus informeth you the All-Knowing, the
175 |
We behold it, in this day, at the mercy of rulers so drunk
with pride that they cannot discern clearly their own best advantage, much
less recognize a Revelation so bewildering and challenging as this. And whenever
any one of them hath striven to improve its condition, his motive hath been
his own gain, whether confessedly so or not; and the unworthiness of this motive
hath limited his power to heal or cure.
176 |
That which the Lord hath ordained as the sovereign remedy
and mightiest instrument for the healing of all the world is the union of all
its peoples in one universal Cause, one common Faith. This can in no wise be
achieved except through the power of a skilled, an all-powerful and inspired
Physician. This, verily, is the truth, and all else naught but error. Each
time that Most Mighty Instrument hath come, and that Light shone forth from
the Ancient Dayspring, He was withheld by ignorant physicians who, even as
clouds, interposed themselves between Him and the world. It failed, therefore,
to recover, and its sickness hath persisted until this day. They indeed were
powerless to 92 protect it, or to effect a cure, whilst He Who hath been the
Manifestation of Power amongst men was withheld from achieving His purpose,
by reason of what the hands of the ignorant physicians have wrought.
177 |
Consider these days in which He Who is the Ancient Beauty
hath come in the Most Great Name, that He may quicken the world and unite its
peoples. They, however, rose up against Him with sharpened swords, and committed
that which caused the Faithful Spirit to lament, until in the end they imprisoned
Him in the most desolate of cities, and broke the grasp of the faithful upon
the hem of His robe. Were anyone to tell them: "The World Reformer is
come", they would answer and say: "Indeed it is proven that He is
a fomenter of discord!", and this notwithstanding that they have never
associated with Him, and have perceived that He did not seek, for one moment,
to protect Himself. At all times He was at the mercy of the wicked doers. At
one time they cast Him into prison, at another they banished Him, and at yet
another hurried Him from land to land. Thus have they pronounced judgement
against Us, and God, truly, is aware of what I say. Such men are reckoned by
God among the most ignorant of His creatures. They cut off their own limbs
and perceive it not; they deprive themselves of that which is best for them,
and know it not. They are even as a young child who can distinguish neither
the mischief-maker from the reformer nor the wicked from the righteous. We
behold them in this Day wrapt in a palpable veil.
178 |
O ye rulers of the earth! Wherefore have ye clouded the radiance
of the Sun, and caused it to cease from shining? Hearken unto the counsel given
you by the Pen of the Most High, that haply both ye and the poor may attain
unto tranquillity and peace. We beseech God to assist the kings of the earth
to establish peace on earth. He, verily, doth what He willeth.
179 |
O kings of the earth! We see you increasing every year your
expenditures, and laying the burden thereof on your subjects. This, verily,
is wholly and grossly unjust. Fear the sighs and tears of this Wronged One,
and lay not excessive burdens on your peoples. Do not rob them to rear palaces
for yourselves; nay rather choose for them that which ye choose for yourselves.
Thus We unfold to your eyes that which profiteth you, if ye but perceive. Your
people are your treasures. Beware lest your rule violate the commandments of
God, and ye deliver your wards to the hands of the robber. By them ye rule,
by their means ye subsist, by their aid ye conquer. Yet, how disdainfully ye
look upon them! How strange, how very strange!
180 | |
181 |
O rulers of the earth! Be reconciled among yourselves, that
ye may need no more armaments save in a measure to safeguard your territories
and dominions. Beware lest ye disregard the counsel of the All-Knowing, the
182 |
Be united, O kings of the earth, for thereby will the tempest
of discord be stilled amongst you, and your peoples find rest, if ye be of
them that comprehend. Should any one among you take up arms against another,
rise ye all against him, for this is naught but manifest justice. Thus did
We exhort you in the Tablet sent down aforetime,2
and We admonish
you once again to follow that which hath been revealed by Him Who is the Almighty,
the All-Wise. Should anyone seek refuge with you, extend unto him your protection
and betray him not. Thus doth the Pen of the Most High counsel you, as bidden
by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.
183 |
Beware lest ye act as did the King of Islám 3
We came unto him at his bidding. His ministers pronounced judgement against
Us with such injustice that all creation lamented and the hearts of those who
are nigh unto God were consumed. The winds of self and passion move them as
they will, and We found them all bereft of constancy. They are, indeed, of
those that are far astray.
184 |
Rein in Thy pen, O Pen of the Ancient of Days, and leave them
to themselves, for they are immersed in their idle fancies. Make Thou mention
of the Queen, that she may turn with a pure heart unto the scene of transcendent
glory, may withhold not her eyes from gazing toward her Lord, the Supreme Ordainer,
may become acquainted with that which hath been revealed in
the Books and Tablets by the Creator of all mankind, He through Whom the sun
hath been darkened and the moon eclipsed, and through Whom the Call hath been
raised betwixt earth and heaven.
185 |
Turn thou unto God and say: O my Sovereign Lord! I am but
a vassal of Thine, and Thou art, in truth, the King of kings. I have lifted
my suppliant hands unto the heaven of Thy grace and Thy bounties. Send down,
then, upon me from the clouds of Thy generosity that which will rid me of all
save Thee, and draw me nigh unto Thyself. I beseech Thee, O my Lord, by Thy
name, which Thou hast made the king of names and the manifestation of Thyself
to all who are in heaven and on earth, to rend asunder the veils that have
intervened between me and my recognition of the Dawning-Place of Thy signs
and the Dayspring of Thy Revelation. Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the All-Powerful,
the All-Bounteous. Deprive me not, O my Lord, of the fragrances of the Robe
of Thy mercy in Thy days, and write down for me that which Thou hast written
down for Thy handmaidens who have believed in Thee and in Thy signs, and have
recognized Thee, and set their hearts towards the horizon of Thy Cause. Thou
art truly the Lord of the worlds and of those who show mercy the Most Merciful.
Assist me, then, O my God, to remember Thee amongst Thy handmaidens, and to
aid Thy Cause in Thy lands. Accept, then, that which hath escaped me when the
light of Thy countenance shone forth. Thou, indeed, hast power
over all things. Glory be to Thee, O Thou in Whose hand is the kingdom of the
heavens and of the earth.
1. | [Mecca.] [![]() |
2. | [The Súriy-i-Mulúk. [![]() |
3. | [The Sultán of Turkey.] [![]() |