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However great is the distance between the
Guardianship and the unique station of the Centre of the Covenant, the
role played by Shoghi Effendi after the Master’s passing stands alone in
the history of the Cause. It will continue to occupy this focal place in the
life of the Faith throughout the coming centuries. In important
respects Shoghi Effendi may be said to have extended by an additional,
critical, thirty-six years the influence of the guiding hand of the Master in
the building of the Administrative Order and the expansion and
consolidation of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. One has only to make the fearful
effort of imagining the fate of the infant Cause of God had it not been
held firmly, during the period of its greatest vulnerability, in the grip of
one who had been prepared for this purpose by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and who
accepted to serve—in the fullest sense of the word—as its Guardian.
Although emphasizing to the body of his fellow believers that
the Master’s twin Successors were "inseparable" and "complementary" in
the functions they were individually designed to carry out, it is clear
that Shoghi Effendi early accepted the implications of the fact that
the Universal House of Justice could not come into existence until a
lengthy process of administrative development had created the supporting
structure of National and Local Spiritual Assemblies it required. He
was entirely candid with the Bahá’í community about the implications
of the fact that he was called on to exercise his supreme
responsibility alone. In his own words:
Severed from the no less essential institution of the
Universal House of Justice this same System of the Will of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
would be paralyzed in its action and would be powerless to fill in those
gaps which the Author of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas has deliberately left in
the body of His legislative and administrative
Aware of this truth, Shoghi Effendi proceeded with scrupulous
regard for the constraints placed on him by circumstance, a faithfulness that
will be the pride of Bahá’u’lláh’s followers throughout the ages to come.
The record of his thirty-six years of service to the Faith—a record which,
like that of his Grandfather, is open for posterity to review and
assess—contains, as he assured the Bahá’í community would be the case, no
action on his part that would in any degree "infringe upon the sacred
and prescribed domain" of the Universal House of Justice. It is not only
that Shoghi Effendi refrained from legislation; he was able to fulfil his
mandate by introducing no more than provisional ordinances,
leaving decisions in such matters entirely to the Universal House of Justice.
Nowhere is this self-restraint more striking than in the central issue
of a successor to the Guardianship. Shoghi Effendi had no heirs of his
own, and the other branches of the Holy family had violated the
Covenant. The Bahá’í Writings contain no guidance in such an eventuality, but
the Will and Testament of the Master is explicit as to how all matters that
are unclear are to be resolved:
It is incumbent upon these members (of the Universal House
of Justice) to gather in a certain place and deliberate upon all
problems which have caused difference, questions that are obscure and
matters that are not expressly recorded in the Book. Whatsoever they
decide has the same effect as the Text
In conformity with this guidance from the pen of the Centre of
the Covenant, Shoghi Effendi remained silent, leaving the question of his
successor or successors in the hands of the Body alone authorized to
determine the matter. Five months after it came into existence,
the Universal House of Justice clarified the issue in a message dated 6
October 1963 to all National Spiritual Assemblies:
After prayerful and careful study of the Holy Texts
after prolonged consideration
the Universal House of Justice finds
that there is no way to appoint or to legislate to make it possible to
appoint a second Guardian to succeed Shoghi
In embarking on a mission for which history supplied him with
no precedent, Shoghi Effendi could look nowhere but to the Writings of
the Founders of the Faith and the example of the Master for the guidance
his work required. No body of advisors could help him determine the
meaning of the Texts he was called on to interpret for a Bahá’í community
that had placed its whole trust in him. Although he read widely the
published works of historians, economists and political thinkers, such
research could do no more than supply raw materials that his inspired vision
of the Cause must then organize. The confidence and courage required
in mobilizing a heterogeneous community of believers to undertake
tasks that were, by any objective criteria, far beyond their capacities, could
be found only in the spiritual resources of his own heart. No
dispassionate observer of the twentieth century, however sceptical about the claims
of religion he or she may be, can fail to acknowledge that the integrity
with which a young man in his early twenties accepted so awesome a
responsibility—and the magnitude of the victory he won—are evidences of
an immense spiritual power inherent in the Cause he championed.
To acknowledge all this is to recognize that the capacities with
which the Covenant had endowed the Guardianship were not a form of
magic. Their successful exercise entailed, as
Rúḥíyyih Khánum has movingly
described, a never-ending process of testing, evaluation, and
refinement. One is awed by the precision with which Shoghi Effendi analyzed
political and social processes in the early stages of their development, and
the mastery with which his mind encompassed a kaleidoscope of events,
both current and historical, relating their implications to the unfolding Will
of Providence. That this work of the intellect was carried out on a level far
above the one on which the human mind customarily operates did
not make the effort any the less real or stressful. Rather, given the insight
into human nature and human motivation that was an inseparable feature
of the institution Shoghi Effendi represented, the opposite was the
In the perspective of the more than forty years since Shoghi
Effendi’s passing, the long-term significance of his work in the evolution of
the Administrative Order has begun to emerge with brilliant clarity. Had
circumstances been different, the Master’s Will and Testament had
provided for the possibility that one or more successors might have followed in
the institution Shoghi Effendi embodied. We obviously cannot penetrate
the mind of God. What is clear and undeniable, however, is that, through
his interpretive authority, the structure of the Administrative Order, as
well as the course that its future development will pursue, have been
permanently fixed by Shoghi Effendi’s fulfilment—in every least respect and
to the fullest extent imaginable—of the mandate laid on him by the
Master. Equally clear and undeniable is the fact that both structure and
course represent the Will of God.
1. |
Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh, op. cit., p. 148.
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2. |
Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, op. cit., p. 20.
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3. |
Universal House of Justice, Messages from the Universal House of Justice, 1963–1986: The Third Epoch of the Formative Age (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1996), p. 14.
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4. |
The subject is discussed in a number of places throughout The Priceless Pearl, op. cit. See particularly pages 79, 85, 90, 128 and 159.
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