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Arrival in the Holy Land |
Given the earlier events in Baghdad, it seems surprising that the Ottoman
authorities did not anticipate what would result from the establishment of
Bahá’u’lláh in another major provincial capital. Within a year of His arrival
in Adrianople, their prisoner had attracted first the interest and then the
fervent admiration of figures prominent in both the intellectual and administrative
life of the region. To the dismay of the Persian consular representatives,
two of the most devoted of these admirers were Khurshíd Páshá, the Governor of
the province, and the Shaykhu’l-Islám, the leading Sunni religious dignitary.
In the eyes of His hosts and the public generally, the exile was a moral philosopher
and saint the validity of whose teachings was reflected not only in
the example of His own life but in the changes they effected among the flood of
Persian pilgrims who flocked to this remote center of the Ottoman Empire in
order to visit Him.
These unanticipated developments convinced the Persian ambassador and his
colleagues that it was only a matter of time before the Bahá’í movement, which
was continuing to spread in Persia, would have established itself as a major
influence in Persia’s neighboring and rival empire. Throughout this period of
its history, the ramshackle Ottoman Empire was struggling against repeated
incursions by Tsarist Russia, uprisings among its subject peoples, and persistent
attempts by the ostensibly sympathetic British and Austrian governments to
detach various Turkish territories and incorporate them into their own empires.
These unstable political conditions in Turkey’s European provinces offered new
and urgent arguments supporting the ambassador’s appeal that the exiles be
sent to a distant colony where Bahá’u’lláh would have no further contact with
influential circles, whether Turkish or Western.
When the Turkish foreign minister, Fu’ád Páshá, returned from a visit to
Adrianople, his astonished reports of the reputation which Bahá’u’lláh had come
to enjoy throughout the region appeared to lend credibility to the Persian
embassy’s suggestions. In this climate of opinion, the government abruptly
decided to subject its guest to strict confinement. Without warning, early
one day, Bahá’u’lláh’s house was surrounded by soldiers, and the exiles were
ordered to prepare for departure to an unknown destination.
The place chosen for this final banishment was the grim fortress-town of
‘Akká (Acre) on the coast of the Holy Land. Notorious throughout the empire
for the foulness of its climate and the prevalence of many diseases, ‘Akká was
a penal colony used by the Ottoman State for the incarceration of dangerous
criminals who could be expected not to survive too long their imprisonment
there. Arriving in August 1868, Bahá’u’lláh, the members of His family, and a
company of His followers who had been exiled with Him were to experience two
years of suffering and abuse within the fortress itself, and then be confined
under house arrest to a nearby building owned by a local merchant. For a long
time the exiles were shunned by the superstitious local populace who had been
warned in public sermons against “the God of the Persians,” who was depicted as
an enemy of public order and the purveyor of blasphemous and immoral ideas.
Several members of the small group of exiles died of the privations and other
conditions to which they were subjected.
It seems, in retrospect, the keenest irony that the selection of the Holy
Land as the place of Bahá’u’lláh’s forced confinement should have been the
result of pressure from ecclesiastical and civil enemies whose aim was to
extinguish His religious influence. Palestine, revered by three of the great
monotheistic religions as the point where the worlds of God and of man intersect,
held then, as it had for thousands of years, a unique place in human
expectation. Only a few weeks before Bahá’u’lláh’s arrival, the main
leadership of the German Protestant Templer movement sailed from Europe to
establish at the foot of Mount Carmel a colony that would welcome Christ, whose
advent they believed to be imminent. Over the lintels of several of the small
houses they erected, facing across the bay to Bahá’u’lláh’s prison at ‘Akká,
can still be seen such carved inscriptions as “Der Herr ist nahe” (“The Lord is
In ‘Akká, Bahá’u’lláh continued the dictation of a series of letters to
individual rulers, which He had begun in Adrianople. Several contained warnings
of the judgment of God on their negligence and misrule, warnings whose dramatic
fulfillment aroused intense public discussion throughout the Near East. Less
than two months after the exiles arrived in the prison-city, for example,
Fu’ád Páshá, the Ottoman foreign minister, whose misrepresentations had helped
precipitate the banishment, was abruptly dismissed from his post and died in
France of a heart attack. The event was marked by a statement which predicted
the early dismissal of his colleague, Prime Minister ‘Alí Páshá, the overthrow
and death of the Sultan, and the loss of Turkish territories in Europe, a series
of disasters which followed on the heels of one another.
A letter to Emperor Napoleon III warned that, because of his insincerity
and the misuse of his power: “…thy kingdom shall be thrown into confusion,
and thine empire shall pass from thine hands, as a punishment for that which
thou hast wrought…. Hath thy pomp made thee proud? By My life! It shall
not endure…”
Of the disastrous Franco-Prussian War and the resulting
overthrow of Napoleon III, which occurred less than a year after this statement,
Alistair Horne, a modern scholar of nineteenth century French political history
has written:
History knows of perhaps no more startling instance of what the Greeks
called peripateia, the terrible fall from prideful heights. Certainly no
nation in modern times, so replete with apparent grandeur and opulent in
material achievement, has ever been subjected to a worse humiliation in
so short a time.
Only a few months before the unexpected series of events in Europe that led
to the invasion of the Papal States and the annexation of Rome by the forces of
the new Kingdom of Italy, a statement addressing Pope Pius IX had urged the
Pontiff “Abandon thy kingdom unto the kings, and emerge from thy habitation,
with thy face set towards the Kingdom… Be as thy Lord hath been…. Verily,
the day of ingathering is come, and all things have been separated from each
other. He hath stored away that which He chose in the vessels of justice, and
cast into the fire that which befitteth it….”
Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, whose armies had won such a sweeping victory
in the Franco-Prussian War, had been warned by Bahá’u’lláh in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas
to heed the example of the fall of Napoleon III and of other rulers who had
been victorious in war, and not to allow pride to keep him back from recognizing
this Revelation. That Bahá’u’lláh foresaw the failure of the German Emperor to
respond to this warning is shown by the ominous passage which appears later in
that same Book:
O banks of the Rhine! We have seen you covered with gore, inasmuch as
the swords of retribution were drawn against you; and you shall have
another turn. And We hear the lamentations of Berlin, though she be
today in conspicuous glory.
A strikingly different note characterizes two of the major pronouncements,
that addressed to Queen Victoria
and another to the “Rulers of America and
the Presidents of the Republics therein.” The former praises the pioneering
achievement represented by the abolition of slavery throughout the British
Empire, and commends the principle of representative government. The latter,
which opens with the announcement of the Day of God, concludes with a summons,
a virtual mandate, that has no parallel in any of the other messages: “Bind ye
the broken with the hands of justice, and crush the oppressor who flourisheth
with the rod of the commandments of your Lord, the Ordainer, the All-Wise.”
1. |
For a description of these events see Revelation, Vol. 3, especially pp. 296, 331.
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2. |
For a description of this experience see God Passes By, pp. 180–89.
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3. |
In the 1850s two German religious leaders, Christoph Hoffmann and Georg David Hardegg, collaborated in the development of the “Society of Templers,” devoted to creating in the Holy Land a colony or colonies which would prepare the way for Christ, on His return. Leaving Germany on August 6, 1868, the founding group arrived in Haifa on October 30, 1868, two months after Bahá’u’lláh’s own arrival.
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4. |
For a description of the disasters which befell European Turkey in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78 see Addendum III in King of Glory, pp. 460–62.
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5. |
Epistle, p. 51.
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6. |
Alistair Horne, The Fall of Paris (London: Macmillan, 1965), p. 34.
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7. |
Cited in Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day Is Come (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1980), pp. 32–33.
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8. |
Cited in Promised Day, p. 37.
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9. |
Cited in Promised Day, p. 35.
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10. |
Cited in Shoghi Effendi, Citadel of Faith: Messages to America 1947–1957 (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1980), pp. 18–19.
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