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35: The passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, may our lives … |
The passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, may our lives
be a sacrifice for His meekness, was the ultimate
calamity, the most great disaster. The light has fled
our hearts, and our souls are wedded to sorrow, and
no power in all the world can furnish any consolation,
save only the power that comes from the
steadfastness of the believers and their deep-rooted
faith, and their unity, and their love for one another.
Although to outward seeming the Sun of the
Covenant has hidden Himself behind the clouds,
and the Orb of the Testament is concealed, and on
the holy horizon of glory, He has now set, and is lost
to view—still His rays are shining from out His
hidden place, and forever will His light shed down
its splendours.
The Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is His
decisive decree; it gathers the believers together; it
preserves their unity; it ensures the protection of the
Faith of God. It designates a specific Centre, irrefutably
and in writing establishing Shoghi Effendi as
Guardian of the Faith and Chosen Branch, so that his
name is recorded in the Preserved Tablet, by the
fingers of grace and bounty. How grateful should
we be that such a bounty was bestowed, and such a
favour granted.
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Shavval 1340 A.H. (28 May-25 June 1922 A.D.)
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