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44: The deep heart’s love and the longing of the … |
The deep heart’s love and the longing of the
soul of this wronged one for those spiritual beloved
ones, and in particular for those who are kin to the
peerless Holy Tree of sanctity and oneness, cannot
be told in words, and my most ardent wish is that I
might correspond with each one of you, but our
alarm and grief over this momentous happening,
this terrible affliction and ill-omened agony, this inexorable
divine decree, the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá—may our souls be offered up for all the
wrongs He bore!—has left us wretched, desolate,
to such a degree that there is no peace in the
spirit, no will to endure in the heart.
The grieving dwellers in the courts of holiness
have rent their garments of long-suffering, and the
household of the Most High have put on mourning
dress. Truly the people of Bahá and those who are
kin to the divine Lote-Tree are sharing with us the
pangs of this bereavement, this direst of torments,
and are partners in anguish of those who suffer here.
Now that this dread event has come upon us all, it
is to be hoped that new stirrings and wondrous new
vibrations will be felt; that a renewed staunchness
and fidelity, an ever more vigorous firmness and
loyalty, will take over and astound the world. Thus
all will clearly understand that even though that
sacred and mysterious Being has laid aside the
garment of His mortal life, even though that Bird of
eternity has abandoned the cage of this earth, still is
His spirit in our midst, still is He watching over us
all from the realm of the All-Glorious, ever is He
gladdening the hearts of the beloved, and to the
souls of those who are fast-rooted in the Covenant,
ever is He bringing tidings of great joy.
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Dhi’l-Qádih 1340 A.H. (26 June-25 July 1922 A.D.), to a believer in Khurásán
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