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52: We were delighted to receive your excellent … |
We were delighted to receive your excellent
letter … and read it with joy. It gladdens our hearts
to witness from its contents the evidences of loyalty
and sincerity and perfect steadfastness in the Cause
of God, and unshakeable constancy in His Covenant.
I offered praise to my Lord, the All-Glorious, for
His abundant blessings, the prodigality of His
bestowals, and His wondrous grace; for He has
created such spiritual beings, such illumined essences,
who attract bounty from the Sun of Truth, and
are lit by its heavenly light, which unravels the
mysteries, parts the curtains, and tears aside the veils.
He has sent forth pure and holy souls whom the
blame of the blamer cannot shut out from the Faith of
God, nor frighten away from establishing the truth of
His Teachings. These are they whose thirst is
quenched, whose ills are healed, whose hearts are
gladdened, whose minds are set at rest, whose souls
are stirred, whose spirits rejoice, whose eyes find
consolation by beholding the splendours of the
beauty, and the graces of perfection, that come
down, one following after another, from the firmament
of glory. Well is it with them for such wondrous
gifts, and bliss be to them for such blessings!
As for me, acquainted with great grief as I am,
subjected as I am to calamities, I have no solace in this
dire ordeal that has suddenly come upon me to darken
my days, save only to see happiness in the hearts of the
believers; to breathe in the sweet scents of loving-kindness
from the gardens of their hearts, and to
behold the sparkling lights of unity amongst God’s
chosen ones, and to note how widespread are the
breaths of fellow-feeling and love amongst the
righteous, and how His teachings and the Will and
Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá are being disseminated
throughout those lands—always in accord with
wisdom, as enjoined by the Almighty and set forth in
the Writings.
I beg of God, even as a pauper, and I implore Him
with all lowliness, feebleness and contrition, to
assist you all with His unseen favours, and open
before your eyes the portals of His bounty and
grace, and make ready for you whatsoever you
desire out of His everlasting bestowals, and make all
things easy for you, and fulfil your hopes—so that in
serving the Faith of your Lord, the Glory of the
All-Glorious, you will reach your furthermost
goals. Verily is He the Almighty, the Ever-Forgiving.
I beg of Him too, that He will cause every
difficulty to vanish away, and will dispel every
cloud, until it becomes possible for you to present
yourselves at this blessed, this luminous and fragrant
Spot, and bow down your foreheads in the dust
of this bright Threshold, and attain this ultimate
goal, for the friends long to behold you.
Again, I supplicate the Eternal Glory to send
down His herald of holiness with the garment in his
that all eyes may be solaced and all hearts
rejoiced by the return to this country of the Chosen
Branch, the Guardian of the Cause of God, Shoghi
Effendi, in the briefest of times. This indeed is well
within the reach of the bounties of our Almighty and
All-Generous Lord.
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9 August 1922
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See Qur’án 12:93.
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