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70: Your letter of 12th October 1922 is just … |
Your letter of 12th October 1922 is just
received and refreshed in our memory the many
beautiful days that you spent here when the Beloved
Lord, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, was still on this earth. Those
are days that many events of history could never
efface from the hearts, nay rather the further we go
in the scale of life the deeper become the impressions
thereof within the meshes of our inner life.
I read your letter with full attention and in the
course of the reading the words of the Master were
ringing in my ear; words that have descended like
showers on all souls and hearts that could understand.
Now is the time when we should forget
everything and concentrate our thoughts upon the
advancement of the Cause of God and strive day and
night that the principles and teachings of His
Holiness Bahá’u’lláh and the words of the Master
may find full expression in the hearts of the true
When I think over the history of the Cause and the
many difficulties that all its promoters have undergone
I unhesitatingly am convinced that the sincere
friends who have watched the events will not lose a
moment but will with all their hearts and souls
sacrifice everything of worth in order to realize that
for which the Divine plan has been working.
Have all your thoughts directed to the Master and
heed not what you hear from here or there. We hope
that soon beloved Shoghi Effendi will come back to
Haifa and things will resume their natural course.
What we need today is complete unity amongst the
friends and this will attract the Divine assistance
from the Abhá Kingdom.
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25 Rabí’u’th-Thání 1341 A.H. (15 December 1922 A.D.)
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