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74: Your letter was received and its contents … |
Your letter was received and its contents
were perused. The scrolls you had enclosed were
clearly understood. They are of no consequence
whatsoever, nor are they worthy of any attention.
The letter you have written in reply, although brief,
is adequate and conclusive. What you have written,
even as the tablet of your heart, is illumined with the
light of constancy and steadfastness, and indicates
your firmness and determination in upholding His
Covenant. In truth this is the essential thing.
Following the ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá—may
our lives be offered up for His holy Dust—the
Covenant-breakers, using every means in their
power, busied themselves in spreading false reports.
No calumny, no slander did they spare. Likewise,
after the ascension of the Ancient Beauty, the Most
Great Name—may the life of all created things be
sacrificed for His holy dust—the people of doubt
and hesitation seized upon every means and arose to
destroy the edifice of the Cause, to profane the
honour of the Lord and to violate His Covenant.
Yet, during all this time and under all conditions
these bereaved and oppressed ones, with faces set
towards His luminous Threshold, held fast to the
cord of patience and resignation, engaged themselves
in offering fervent prayers and supplications
and committed all their affairs to the care of the
Blessed Beauty. For in truth He is the Refuge of the
oppressed and the unfailing Comforter of the
anguished, whereas the Centre of Sedition and his
following have gathered no fruit from their rebellious
acts save despondency and utter loss.
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4 Rabí’u’th-Thání 1342 A.H. (14 November 1923 A.D.), to a believer in Ṭihrán
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