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II: From the Writings of ‘ABDU’L-BAHÁ 6 71: O my well-beloved, deeply spiritual sister! … |
O my well-beloved, deeply spiritual sister!
Day and night thou livest in my memory. Whenever
I remember thee my heart swelleth with sadness and
my regret groweth more intense. Grieve not, for I
am thy true, thy unfailing comforter. Let neither
despondency nor despair becloud the serenity of thy
life or restrain thy freedom. These days shall pass
away. We will, please God, in the Abhá Kingdom
and beneath the sheltering shadow of the Blessed
Beauty, forget all these our earthly cares and will
find each one of these base calumnies amply compensated
by His expressions of praise and favour.
From the beginning of time sorrow and anxiety,
regret and tribulation, have always been the lot of
every loyal servant of God. Ponder this in thine
heart and consider how very true it is. Wherefore,
set thine heart on the tender mercies of the Ancient
Beauty and be thou filled with abiding joy and
intense gladness….
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From a Tablet addressed to the Greatest Holy Leaf. (See The Bahá’í World, vol. V, pp. 171–172)
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