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24: O ye who share my anguish and are my … |
O ye who share my anguish and are my
comforters in my distress and bereavement! In these
past few months, from the day of the passing of that
fairest fruit of the Undying Tree, of the setting of
that wondrous Star in the heavens of endless glory,
and of that bright Ray from the well spring of
pre-existent light, [‘Abdu’l-Bahá], the Ancient
Beauty, the Most Great Name—may the spirits of
the Concourse on High be sacrificed for Him—has
witnessed what has come upon me, whom she had
surrounded at all times with her loving-kindness,
her unceasing favours, and what a wound this loss
has inflicted on my suffering heart. This parting
from her has left my whole being in turmoil,
burning with the fire of my love and longing for her.
When, in the morning and the evening, I call her
beloved face to mind, and let her smiles, that
nourished the spirit, pass again before my eyes, and I
think over all her bounty to me, all her unnumbered
kindnesses, and remember that astonishing meekness
she showed in her sufferings—then the flames
of yearning love are kindled yet again, and sighs
come out of my heart, and tears flow from my eyes,
so that all control is lost and I sink into a sea of
anguish without end.
O thou Scion of Bahá! I weep over thee in the
night season, as do the bereaved; and at break of day
I cry out unto thee with the tongue of my heart, my
limbs and members, and again and again I repeat thy
well-loved name, and I groan over the loss of thee,
over thy meekness and ordeals, and how thou didst
love me, over the sufferings thou didst bear, and the
terrible calamities, and the wretchedness and the
griefs, and the abasement, and the rejection—and all
this only and solely for the sake of thy Lord and
because of thy burning love for those, out of all of
creation, who shared in thine ardour.
Whensoever, in sleep, I call to mind and see thy
smiling face, whensoever, by day or night, I circumambulate
thine honoured tomb, then in the innermost
depths of my being are rekindled the fires of
yearning, and the cord of my patience is severed,
and again the tears come and all the world grows
dark before my eyes. And whensoever I remember
what blows were rained upon thee at the close of thy
days, the discomforts, trials and illnesses—and I
picture thy surroundings now, in the Sanctuary on
High, in the midmost heart of Heaven, beside the
pavilions of grandeur and might; and I behold thy
present glory, thy deliverance, the delights, the
bounties, the bestowals, the majesty and dominion
and power, the joy, thine exultation, and thy
triumph—then the burden of my grieving is lightened,
the cloud of sorrow is dispelled, the heat of my
torment abates. Then is my tongue loosed to praise
and thank thee, and thy Lord, Him Who did fashion
thee and did prefer thee to all other handmaidens,
and did give thee to drink from His sweet-scented
lips, Who withdrew the veil of concealment from
thy true being and made thee to be a true example for
all thy kin to follow, and caused thee to be the
fragrance of His garment for all of creation.
And at such times I strengthen my resolve to
follow in thy footsteps, and to continue onward in
the pathway of thy love; to take thee as my model,
and to acquire the qualities, and to make manifest
that which thou didst desire for the triumph of this
exalted and exacting, this most resplendent, sacred,
and wondrous Cause.
Then intercede thou for me before the throne of
the Almighty, O thou who, within the Company on
High, dost intercede for all of humankind. Deliver
me from the throes of my mourning, and confer
upon me and those who love thee in this nether
world what will remove our afflictions, and bring
assurance to our hearts, and quiet the winds of our
sorrows, and console our eyes, and fulfil our hopes
both in this world and the world to come—O thou
whom God hast singled out from amongst all the
countenances of the Abhá Paradise, and hast honoured
in both His earth and His Kingdom on high,
and of whom He has made mention in the Crimson
Book, in words which wafted the scent of musk and
scattered its fragrance over all the dwellers on earth!
O thou Greatest Holy Leaf! If I cry at every
moment out of a hundred mouths, and from each of
these mouths I speak with a hundred thousand
tongues, yet I could never describe nor celebrate thy
heavenly qualities, which are known to none save
only the Lord God; nor could I befittingly tell of
even the transient foam from out the ocean of thine
endless favour and grace.
Except for a very few, whose habitation is in the
highest retreats of holiness, and who circle, in the
furthermost Sanctuary, by day and by night about
the throne of God, and are fed at the hand of the
Abhá Beauty on purest milk—except for these, no
soul of this nether world has known or recognized
thine immaculate, thy most sacred essence, nor has
any befittingly perceived that ambergris fragrance
of thy noble qualities, which richly anoints thy
brow, and which issues from the divine wellspring
of mystic musk; nor has any caught its sweetness.
To this bear witness the Company on High, and
beyond them God Himself, the Supreme Lord of all
the heavens and the earths: that during all thy days,
from thine earliest years until the close of thy life,
thou didst personify the attributes of thy Father, the
Matchless, the Mighty. Thou wert the fruit of His
Tree, thou wert the lamp of His love, thou wert the
symbol of His serenity, and of His meekness, the
pathway of His guidance, the channel of His blessings,
the sweet scent of His robe, the refuge of His
loved ones and His handmaidens, the mantle of His
generosity and grace.
O thou Remnant of the divine light, O thou fruit
of the Cause of our All-Compelling Lord! From the
hour when thy days did set, on the horizon of this
Snow-White, this unique and Sacred Spot, our days
have turned to night, our joys to great consternation;
our eyes have grown blind with sorrow at thy
passing, for it has brought back that supreme
affliction yet again, that direst convulsion, the
departing of thy compassionate Brother, our Merciful
Master. And there is no refuge for us anywhere
except for the breathings of thy spirit, the spotless,
the excellently bright; no shelter for us anywhere,
but through thine intercession, that God may inspire
us with His own patience, and ordain for us in the
other life the reward of meeting thee again, of
attaining thy presence, of gazing on thy countenance,
and partaking of thy light.
O thou Maid of Bahá! The best and choicest of
praises, and the most excellent and most glorious of
salutations, rest upon thee, O thou solace of mine
eyes, and beloved of my soul! Thy grace to me was
plenteous, it can never be concealed; thy love for me
was great, it can never be forgotten. Blessed, a
thousand times blessed, is he who loves thee, and
partakes of thy splendours, and sings the praises of
thy qualities, and extols thy worth, and follows in
thy footsteps; who testifies to the wrongs thou didst
suffer, and visits thy resting-place, and circles
around thine exalted tomb, by day and by night.
Woe unto him, retribution be his, who disputes thy
rank and station, and denies thine excellence, and
turns himself aside from thy clear, thy luminous and
straight path.
O ye distracted lovers of that winsome countenance!
It is meet and fitting that in the gatherings of
the loved ones of God and the handmaids of the
Merciful in all the countries and lands of the East,
these shining words and clear tokens from the
Supreme Pen and His Interpreter’s wonder-working
hand—verses which were revealed for
that priceless treasure of the Kingdom—should be
repeatedly recited, most movingly with devotion
and lowliness, and great attention and care, so as
to perpetuate her blessed memory, and extol her
station, and out of love also for her incomparable
May the honoured members of the Central
Assembly of Iran circulate these Writings, immediately
and with great care, to the countries of the
East, through their Local Spiritual Assemblies; for
this task is a great bounty especially set apart for the
trustees of His devoted loved ones in that noble
homeland. May God reward them with excellent
rewards, in both this world of His, and in His
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2 Masa’il 89 (13 December 1932 A.D.), to the Bahá’ís of Iran. (Translated from the Persian)
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