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6: O exalted leaf, O distinguished friend! May … |
Praise be to God that He has enabled you, His
well-assured leaf, to magnify at all times the glory of
His gracious countenance, has sustained your life
through the remembrance of His Beauty, has suffered
you to rid yourself of all attachment to any one
save Him that you may continually commune with
His love. He has graciously assisted you to remain
faithful to His weighty and irrefutable Testament, to
cling tenaciously to the hem of the robe of the
Centre of the Covenant of God, the All-Bountiful,
and to fix your gaze entirely upon the luminous face
of ‘Him Whom God hath purposed’, the One ‘Who
hath branched from the pre-existent Root’. In truth,
a myriad praises and thanksgiving should be offered
in appreciation of this outpouring of divine favours
and blessings. We implore the Kingdom of our
Lord, the All-Glorious, that He may continually
waft upon you His vitalizing breaths, may enrapture
you by the uplifting transports of His delight, may
quicken you through His Holy Spirit and may grant
you confirmation to serve His maidservants and His
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Dhi’l-Hijjih 1316 A.H. (12 April-11 May 1899 A.D.)
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