A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“76: Thou didst ask as to the education of children. Those children who,…” |
Thou didst ask as to the education of children. Those children who,
sheltered by the Blessed Tree, have set foot upon the world, those who are
cradled in the Faith and are nurtured at the breast of grace—such must from
the beginning receive spiritual training directly from their mothers. That is,
the mother must continually call God to mind and make mention of Him, and tell
of His greatness, and instill the fear of Him in the child, and rear the child
gently, in the way of tenderness, and in extreme cleanliness. Thus from the
very beginning of life every child will be refreshed by the gentle wafting of
the love of God and will tremble with joy at the sweet scent of heavenly
guidance. In this lieth the beginning of the process; it is the essential
basis of all the rest.
And when the child hath reached the age where he can make distinctions,
let him be placed in a Bahá’í school, in which at the beginning the Holy
Texts are recited and religious concepts are taught. At this school the child
is to study reading and writing as well as some fundamentals of the various
branches of knowledge, such as can be learned by children.
At the start the teacher must place a pen in the child’s hand, arrange the
children in groups, and instruct each group according to its capacity. When
the children have, in a given place, been seated in rows, and each holdeth a
pen, and each hath a paper before him, and the teacher hath suspended a
blackboard in front of the children, let him write thereon with his chalk and
have the children copy what he hath written. For example, let the teacher
write an alif ( a ) and say, “This is an alif.” Let the children then copy it
and repeat: “This is an alif.” And so on, till the end of the alphabet. As
soon as they properly recognize the letters, let the teacher make combinations
of the letters, while the children follow his lead, writing the combinations on
their paper, until, by this method, they come to recognize all the letters,
singly and combined in words. Let the teacher then proceed to writing
sentences, while the children copy what he hath written, each on his own sheet
of paper. Let the teacher then explain the meaning of the sentence to the
And once they have become skilled in the Persian tongue, let the teacher
first translate and write out single words and ask the students the meaning of
those words. If a pupil hath grasped a little of this, and hath translated the
word, let the teacher praise him; if all the students are unable to accomplish
this, let the teacher write the foreign language translation beneath the given
word. For example, let him write samá (heaven) in Arabic, and ask: “How do
we say this in Persian?” If one of the children replieth, “The Persian
translation of this word is asiman”, let the teacher praise and encourage
him. If they are unable to answer, let the teacher himself give the
translation and write it down, and let the children copy it.
Later, let the teacher ask: “How do they say this in Russian, or French,
or Turkish?” If they know the answer, excellent. If not, let the teacher say,
“In Russian, or French, the translation is thus and so”, write the word on the
board, and have the children copy it down. When the children have become
skilled in translating single words, let the teacher combine the words into a
sentence, write this on the board and ask the children to translate it. If
they are unable, let the teacher himself translate the sentence and write down
the translation. It would of course be preferable for him to make use of
several languages.
In this way, over a short period—that is, three years—the children
will, as a result of writing the words down, become fully proficient in a
number of languages, and will be able to translate a passage from one language
to another. Once they have become skilled in these fundamentals, let them go
on to learning the elements of the other branches of knowledge, and once they
have completed this study, let each one who is able and hath a keen desire for
it, enrol in higher institutions of learning and study advanced courses in the
sciences and arts.
Not all, however, will be able to engage in these advanced studies.
Therefore, such children must be sent to industrial schools where they can also
acquire technical skills, and once the child becomes proficient in such a
skill, then let consideration be given to the child’s own preference and
inclinations. If a child hath a liking for commerce, then let him choose
commerce; if industry, then industry; if for higher education, then the
advancement of knowledge; if for some other of the responsibilities of
humankind, then that. Let him be placed in the field for which he hath an
inclination, a desire, and a talent.
But the indispensable basis of all is that he should develop spiritual
characteristics and the praiseworthy virtues of humankind. This is the primary
consideration. If a person be unlettered, and yet clothed with divine
excellence, and alive in the breaths of the Spirit, that individual will
contribute to the welfare of society, and his inability to read and write will
do him no harm. And if a person be versed in the arts and every branch of
knowledge, and not live a religious life, and not take on the characteristics
of God, and not be directed by a pure intent, and be engrossed in the life of
the flesh—then he is harm personified, and nothing will come of all his
learning and intellectual accomplishments but scandal and torment.
If, however, an individual hath spiritual characteristics, and virtues
that shine out, and his purpose in life be spiritual and his inclinations be
directed toward God, and he also study other branches of knowledge—then we
have light upon light:
outer being luminous, his private character radiant,
his heart sound, his thought elevated, his understanding swift, his rank
1. |
Qur’án 24:35.
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