In this wondrous Dispensation the favours of the Glorious Lord are vouchsafed
unto the handmaidens of the Merciful. Therefore, they should, like unto men,
seize the prize and excel in the field, so that it will be proven and made
manifest that the penetrative influence of the Word of God in this new
Dispensation hath caused women to be equal with men, and that in the arena of
tests they will outdo others. Therefore, the true bondsmaids of the Blessed
Beauty must be revived by the spirit of detachment, and refreshed by the
breezes of attraction. With hearts overflowing with the love of God, with
souls gladdened by the heavenly glad-tidings, and with extreme humility and
lowliness, let them speak out with eloquent speech, and praise and glorify the
Great Lord, for they are the manifestations of His bounty and adorned with the
crown of splendour.
(From a Tablet - translated from the Persian) [99]