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The world of existence is an emanation of the merciful attribute
of God. God has shone forth upon the phenomena of being
through His effulgence of mercy and He is clement and kind
to all His creation. Therefore the world of humanity must ever be the
recipient of bounties from the eternal Lord; even as His Holiness
Christ has declared, “Be ye perfect even as your Father which is in
heaven.” For His bounties like the light and heat of the sun in the
material heavens descend alike upon all mankind. Consequently man
must learn the lesson of kindness and beneficence from God Himself.
Just as God is kind to all humanity, man also must be kind to his
fellow creatures. If his attitude is just and loving toward his fellow
men, toward all creation, then indeed is he worthy of being pronounced
the image and likeness of God.
Brotherhood or fraternity is of different kinds. It may be family
association, the intimate relationship of the household. This is limited
and subject to change and disruption. How often it happens that in a
family, love and agreement are changed into enmity and antagonism.
Another form of fraternity is manifest in patriotism. Man loves his
fellow-men because they belong to the same nativity. This is also
limited and subject to change and disintegration, as for instance
when sons of the same fatherland are opposed to each other in war,
bloodshed and battle. Still another brotherhood or fraternity is that
which arises from racial unity, the oneness of racial origin, producing
ties of affinity and association. This likewise has its limitation and
liability to change, for often war and deadly strife have been witnessed
between people and nations of the same racial lineage. There is a
fourth kind of brotherhood, the attitude of man toward humanity
itself, the altruistic love of humankind and recognition of the fundamental
human bond. Although this is unlimited it is nevertheless
susceptible to change and destruction. Even from this universal
fraternal bond the looked-for result does not appear. What is the
looked-for result? Loving-kindness among all human creatures and a
firm, indestructible brotherhood which includes all the divine possibilities
and significances in humanity. Therefore it is evident that
fraternity, love and kindness based upon family, nativity, race or an
attitude of altruism are neither sufficient nor permanent since all of
them are limited, restricted and liable to change and disruption. For
in the family there is discord and alienation; among sons of the same
fatherland strife and internecine warfare are witnessed; between those
of a given race, hostility and hatred are frequent; and even among
the altruists varying aspects of opinion and lack of unselfish devotion
give little promise of permanent and indestructible unity among
Therefore the Lord of mankind has caused His holy divine
Manifestations to come into the world. He has revealed His heavenly
books in order to establish spiritual brotherhood, and through the
power of the Holy Spirit has made it practicable for perfect fraternity
to be realized among mankind. And when through the breaths of the
Holy Spirit this perfect fraternity and agreement are established
amongst men, this brotherhood and love being spiritual in character,
this loving-kindness being heavenly, these constraining bonds being
divine, a unity appears which is indissoluble, unchanging and never
subject to transformation. It is ever the same and will forever remain
the same. For example consider the foundation of the brotherhood laid
by His Holiness Christ. Observe how that fraternity was conducive
to unity and accord and how it brought various souls to a plane of
uniform attainment where they were willing to sacrifice their lives for
each other. They were content to renounce possessions and ready to
joyously forfeit life itself. They lived together in such love and
fellowship that even Galen, the famous Greek philosopher, who was
not a Christian, in his work entitled “The Progress of the Nations”
says that religious beliefs are greatly conducive to the foundation of
real civilization. As a proof thereof he says, “A certain number of
people contemporaneous with us are known as Christians. These enjoy
the superlative degree of moral civilization. Each one of them is a
great philosopher because they live together in the utmost love and
good-fellowship. They sacrifice life for each other. They offer worldly
possessions for each other. You can say of the Christian people that
they are as one person. There is a bond amongst them that is indissoluble
in character.”
It is evident therefore that the foundation of real brotherhood,
the cause of loving co-operation and reciprocity and the source of real
kindness and unselfish devotion is none other than the breaths of the
Holy Spirit. Without this influence and animus it is impossible. We
may be able to realize some degrees of fraternity through other motives
but these are limited associations and subject to change. When human
brotherhood is founded upon the Holy Spirit, it is eternal, changeless,
In various parts of the Orient there was a time when brotherhood,
loving-kindness and all the praiseworthy qualities of mankind seemed
to have disappeared. There was no evidence of patriotic, religious or
racial fraternity but conditions of bigotry, hatred and prejudice prevailed
instead. The adherents of each religion were violent enemies of
the others, filled with the spirit of hostility and eager for shedding of
blood. The present war in the Balkans furnishes a parallel of these
conditions. Consider the bloodshed, ferocity and oppression manifested
there even in this enlightened century; all of it based fundamentally
upon religious prejudice and disagreement. For the nations
involved belong to the same races and nativities, nevertheless they are
savage and merciless toward each other. Similar deplorable conditions
prevailed in Persia in the nineteenth century. Darkness and ignorant
fanaticism were widespread; no trace of fellowship or brotherhood
existed amongst the races. On the contrary, human hearts were filled
with rage and hatred; darkness and gloom were manifest in human
lives and conditions everywhere. At such a time as this His Holiness
Bahá’u’lláh appeared upon the divine horizon, even as the glory of
the sun, and in that gross darkness and hopelessness of the human
world there shone a great light. He founded the oneness of the world
of humanity, declaring that all mankind are as sheep and that God is
the real and true shepherd. The shepherd is one and all people are of
his flock.
The world of humanity is one and God is equally kind to all.
What then is the source of unkindness and hatred in the human
world? This real shepherd loves all his sheep. He leads them in green
pastures. He rears and protects them. What then is the source of
enmity and alienation among humankind? Whence this conflict and
strife? The real underlying cause is lack of religious unity and association
for in each of the great religions we find superstition, blind imitation
of creeds, and theological formulae adhered to instead of the
divine fundamentals, causing difference and divergence among mankind
instead of agreement and fellowship. Consequently strife, hatred
and warfare have arisen, based upon this divergence and separation.
If we investigate the foundations of the divine religions, we find them
to be one, absolutely changeless and never subject to transformation.
For example each of the divine religions contains two kinds of laws or
ordinances. One division concerns the world of morality and ethical
institutions. These are the essential ordinances. They instill and
awaken the knowledge and love of God, love for humanity, the virtues
of the world of mankind, the attributes of the divine kingdom, rebirth
and resurrection from the kingdom of nature. These constitute
one kind of divine law which is common to all and never subject to
change. From the dawn of the Adamic cycle to the present day this
fundamental law of God has continued changeless. This is the foundation
of divine religion.
The second division comprises laws and institutions which provide
for human needs and conditions according to exigencies of time
and place. These are accidental, of no essential importance and should
never have been made the cause and source of human contention. For
example during the time of His Holiness Moses—Upon him be peace!
—according to the exigencies of that period, divorce was permissible.
During the cycle of His Holiness Christ inasmuch as divorce was not
in conformity with the time and conditions His Holiness Jesus Christ
abrogated it. In the cycle of Moses plurality of wives was permissible
but during the time of His Holiness Christ the exigency which had
sanctioned it did not exist, therefore it was forbidden. His Holiness
Moses lived in the wilderness and desert of Sinai; therefore his ordinances
and commandments were in conformity with those conditions.
The penalty for theft was to cut off a man’s hand. An ordinance
of this kind was in keeping with desert life but not compatible
with conditions of the present day. Such ordinances therefore
constitute the second or non-essential division of the divine religions
and are not of importance for they deal with human transactions
which are ever changing according to the requirements of time and
place. Therefore the intrinsic foundations of the divine religions are
one. As this is true, why should hostility and strife exist among them?
Why should this hatred and warfare, ferocity and bloodshed continue?
Is this allowable and justified? God forbid!