Furthermore, efforts at fostering the development of institutions
operating at the World Centre were especially evident in the
continuing evolution of the institution of Huqúqu’lláh
under the distinguished leadership of the Trustee, the Hand of the Cause
of God ‘Alí-Muhammad Varqá.
Through his wise initiative and constant endeavour,
Dr. Varqá has inspired the education of the
friends everywhere concerning the law of Huqúqu’lláh.
In the decade since the law was universally applied, a network of
national and regional boards of trustees has been brought into
existence, which provides coordination and direction to the service of
an increasing number of deputies and representatives. Knowledge of this
great law has spread widely, and friends from all continents are
responding to it with a spirit of devotion, which the Trustee hopes will
touch those who have not yet availed themselves of the promised
blessings flowing from adherence to this law.
(Ridván 2003, written by the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the world)