A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
91. “O Amín! Upon thee be My glory. It behoveth thee to…” |
O Amín! Upon thee be My glory. It behoveth thee to
have the utmost regard for the dignity of the Cause of God in all
circumstances…. We exhort thee to keep thine eyes directed to the
horizon of dignity and, while being mindful of His sublime words:
“…yet warn them, for in truth warning will profit the believers”,
to give the friends of God a gentle reminder in a spirit of amity and
concord. Indeed, whoever is graciously enabled to fulfil this
obligation, he will be reckoned among the sincere lovers of God in the
lucid Book; but if not, no one should contend with him.
In this Day the glances of God—exalted be His glory—are directed
towards the hearts of men and to the goodly pearls treasured therein.
This beseemeth the Lord and His chosen ones—glorified be His majesty.
It behoveth thee to pray on behalf of the friends and loved ones of God,
that He may graciously enable them to fulfil that which is ordained in
the Book, and that they may not be hindered by vain imaginings and the
transitory things of the world.
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Qur’án 51:55.
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