Shoghi Effendi has very kindly instructed me to acknowledge
receipt of the letter dated April 9th by the following dearly loved
friends in the great Cause of El Abhá in Tokyo, K. Sawada, H.
Tanaka, Ida Finch, Ei Noguchi, Y. S. Ling, K. S. Ling, Yoshio
Nakamura, Fumi Sato, Yuri Takao, B. Enomoto.
The few expressions of devotion by each one of them on one
sheet of paper speak out for themselves of the unity and love that exists
between the Bahá’í friends of Tokyo and express in a most vivid form
the Bahá’í spirit and teachings which indeed above all stand out for
unity and love amongst mankind.
Shoghi Effendi is deeply impressed by the letters, and earnestly
hopes to see the Bahá’ís of Japan from whom he will anxiously expect
to hear, increase their efforts and spread out the Bahá’í teachings all
over Japan for the good of mankind.
I hope our dear sister Miss Martha Root has safely arrived and
that by the grace of the Almighty her stay will be productive of great