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To the National Spiritual Assembly of Australia [Letter of July 19, 1957] |
…The emergence of a new Regional Spiritual Assembly in the
North Pacific Area
, with its seat fixed in the capital city of a country
which by reason of its innate capacity and the spiritual receptivity it
has acquired, in consequence of the severe and prolonged ordeal its
entire population has providentially experienced, is destined to have
a preponderating share in awakening the peoples and races inhabiting
the entire Pacific area, to the Message of Bahá’u’lláh, and to act
as the Vanguard of His hosts in their future spiritual conquest of the
main body of the yellow race on the Chinese mainland—the emergence
of such an assembly may be said to have, at long last established
a spiritual axis, extending from the Antipodes to the northern islands
of the Pacific Ocean—an axis whose northern and southern poles
will act as powerful magnets, endowed with exceptional spiritual
potency, and towards which younger and less experienced communities
will tend for some time to gravitate.
A responsibility, at once weighty and inescapable, must rest on
the communities which occupy so privileged a position in so vast and
turbulent an area of the globe. However great the distance that separates
them; however much they differ in race, language, custom, and
religion; however active the political forces which tend to keep them
apart and foster racial and political antagonisms, the close and continued
association of these communities in their common, their peculiar
and paramount task of raising up and of consolidating the embryonic
World Order of Bahá’u’lláh in those regions of the globe, is a matter
of vital and urgent importance, which should receive on the part of
the elected representatives of their communities, a most earnest and
prayerful consideration…
May this community
which, with its sister community in the
North, has had the inestimable privilege of being called into being in
the lifetime of, and through the operation of the dynamic forces released
by the Center of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant continue, with
undimmed vision, with redoubled vigour, and unwavering fidelity and
constancy, to discharge its manifold and ever increasing duties and
responsibilities, and lend, as the days go by, an impetus such as it has
not lent before, in the course of almost two score years of its existence,
to the propagation of the Faith it has so whole-heartedly espoused and
is now so valiantly serving, and play a memorable and distinctive part
in hastening the establishment, and in ensuring the gradual efflorescence
and ultimate fruition, of its divinely appointed embryonic
World Order.
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National Spiritual Assembly of North East Asia, with its seat in Tokyo, Japan.
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