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15: Message from the Universal House of Justice to the North Pacific Oceanic Conference, Sapporo, Japan, September, 1971 |
On the eve of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the opening of the
Formative Age of our Faith we call to mind the high hopes often
expressed by the beloved Master for the spread of the Cause in this
region. His mention in the Tablets of the Divine Plan of many of the
territories represented in this Conference, and the faithful and devoted
services of that maid-servant of Bahá’u’lláh, the Hand of the Cause
Agnes Alexander, who brought the Teachings to these shores in the
early years of this century.
In these days we are witnessing an unprecedented acceleration
of the teaching work in almost every part of the globe. In the North
Pacific Ocean area great strides have been made in the advancement
of the Cause since that historic Asia Regional Teaching Conference
in Nikko just sixteen years ago. The next two years witnessed the
formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska and of the
Regional National Spiritual Assembly of North East Asia. To the
Convention in Tokyo at Riḍván 1957 the Guardian addressed these
prophetic words:
“This auspicious event, which posterity will regard as the culmination
of a process initiated, half a century ago, in the capital city
of Japan … marks the opening of the second chapter in the history of
the evolution of His Faith in the North Pacific area. Such a consummation
cannot fail to lend a tremendous impetus to its onward march
in the entire Pacific Ocean…”
Hokkaido, the site of this Conference, first heard of the Teachings
less than fifteen years ago, and the first aboriginal peoples of this
land accepted Bahá’u’lláh just over a decade ago. Now you are the
witnesses to the beginnings of a rapid increase in the number of believers.
Peoples in other islands and lands of the North Pacific, including
the Ryukyus, Guam, the Trust Territories, the western shores
of Canada and Alaska and the Aleutians are also enrolling under the
banner of the Most Great Name, and next Riḍván yet another pillar
of the Universal House of Justice is to be raised in Micronesia. We
are heartened at the prospect that from indigenous peoples of this vast
oceanic area, the Ainu, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Koreans, the
Okinawans, the Micronesians, the American Indians, the Eskimos, and
the Aleuts vast numbers will soon enter the Faith.
The final hours of the Nine Year Plan are fast fleeting. Praised
be to God that you have gathered to consult on ways and means of
assuring complete victory so that from these outposts the Teachings
may spread to those nearby lands where teeming millions have not as
yet heard of the advent of this Most Great Dispensation.
The sweet perfume of victory is in the air, and we must hasten
to achieve it while there is yet time. Vital goals, particularly on the
homefronts of Taiwan and Japan, remain to be won, and everywhere
the roots of the faith of the believers must sink deeper and deeper into
the firm earth of the Teachings lest tempests and trials as yet unforeseen
shake or uproot the tender plants so lovingly raised in the islands
of this great Ocean and the land surrounding it.
As you and the friends in the sister Conference in Reykjavik
bring this series of eight Oceanic and Continental Conferences to a
triumphant close, our prayers for the success of your deliberations
ascend at the Holy Threshold. May God grant you the resources, the
strength, and the determination to attain your highest hopes and enable
you to open a new and glorious chapter in the evolution of His Faith
in the North Pacific area.