5: Tablets to Japan
Miss Alexander wrote in her account of the early days of the
Faith in Japan, “After ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s ascension every word He had
written became a sacred treasure. When I began collecting the Tablets
He had revealed to Japanese living in Japan, and one to Koreans,
I found there were nineteen in all.” These Tablets were published in
1928, thus preserved for all time. In the foreword to the book Miss
Alexander wrote: “The following are the Tablets which were revealed
by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to friends residing in Japan and Korea. There are
nineteen Tablets revealed between the years 1916 and His passing in
1921. Eighteen of these Tablets were addressed to Japanese and one
to Korean friends. Seven of those to Japanese were to school girls in
Tokyo, the others, with two exceptions, were to young men, and five
of these were addressed to blind young men, three having found the
true Light of this Day.
“The first supplication by a Japanese in Japan to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá,
was sent July, 1915 from a young student
in Tokyo who wrote his
supplication in Japanese on a scroll. The following is the translation:
‘O my Master ‘Abdu’l-Bahá!… Although I am a base and poor youth
in this world, I have been awakened and bathed in the ocean of Thy
mercy and am so happy that I pity the king and the prince who are
wandering about in the dream of temporal variance. Accept, O Master,
my deep thankfulness from the bottom of the heart. I am very
sorry though, when I think of our fellow men who take no thought of
real happiness and do not rely upon the warm hand of Thy love. O
my Lord, water me forever from the fountain of Thy mercy; I will
never refuse Thy command whatsoever it may be. Forgive my sins
and allow me to awaken my fellow men.’
“In February 1917 a reply to this supplication was received in
Japan from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. It had come in the contents of a letter from
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s secretary and had been passed by the censor. This
was the first Tablet received addressed to a Japanese resident in Japan
and is the first herein published.
“The second supplication to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was sent September,
1916 by a blind young Japanese
who wrote in Esperanto. After
receiving a reply from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the second Tablet herein published,
he wrote again supplicating in English. The following words
are a portion of his supplication: ‘O my ‘Abdu’l-Bahá whose image
so calm and peaceful I dreamed of and it cannot be effaced from my
heart; whose Name makes my withered heart fresh and strong and who
makes the fountain of love and light spring up in the bottom of my
heart whenever I think of Thee. Make my heart to be always thirsty
for the Fountain of Life. Make me strong enough to be able steadily
to hold Thy torch of love firm and high. I confess to Thee that my
heart sometimes withers like a flower in the day of summer, and loses
its whole strength, nevertheless, my beloved Lord, give to me power
that I can throw away every kind of prejudice and ignorance from my
heart. Make my heart as pure and fresh as green grass of the spring
pastures and let my soul grow more and more by Thy shower of
Mercy!’ In answer to this blind young man’s supplication, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
revealed a Tablet which is the third published herein.”
Most of the original Tablets were translated in Haifa and sent to
the recipients in care of Miss Alexander. One, to a group of students,
was sent in care of Mr. Torii. A search in later years located only
those Tablets addressed to Mr. Torii himself.
[Photograph with the following caption:]
Miss Yuri Mochizuki (Furukawa), the first Japanese woman to
become a Bahá’í.
Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to Japanese and One to Koreans
[Tablet of October 28, 1916]
O thou who art guided by the Light of Guidance! (Mr. Kikutaro Fukuta)
Thy first and second letter was received. Praise be to God that
the light of Guidance shone forth, the glass of the heart became illumined
and the darkness of ignorance dispelled. The most Great
Guidance is a crown the brilliant gems of which will shine upon the
future ages and cycles. If it is placed on the head of a servant, he
will become the object of the envy of kings, for this is an imperishable
crown and everlasting sovereignty. God says in the great Qur’an,
He particularizes with His Mercy whomsoever He desireth.
Praise be to God, that thou hast become especialized with Divine
Favor and Bounty. Thou didst become awake, beheld the lights
and harkened unto the Melody of the Supreme Concourse.
In the Glorious Gospel it is said, “Freely ye have received, freely
give.” That is, you have found this Bestowal, you have paid nothing
for it, therefore give it to others without any exchange. Now with a
heavenly power, with a lordly gift, with spiritual morals, with Godlike
deeds, and with supreme glad tidings be thou engaged in the
promotion of the teachings of God in Japan. The confirmations of
the Kingdom shall encompass and the cohorts of the Realm of Might
will grant triumph.
(October 28, 1916. Translated by Ahmad Sohrab)