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9: Excerpt from The Chosen Highway by Lady Blomfield, Concerning ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Japanese Diplomat (1912] |
The Japanese Ambassador to a European capital (Viscount
) was staying at the Hotel d’Jéna. This gentleman
and his wife had been told of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s presence in Paris,
and the latter was anxious to have the privilege of meeting Him.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá talked with the Ambassador and his wife of conditions
in Japan, of the great international importance of that country,
of the vast service to mankind, of the work for the abolition of war,
of the need for improving conditions of life for the worker, of the
necessity of educating girls and boys equally.
Speaking of religion and science, the two great wings with which
the bird of human kind is able to soar, He said: “Scientific discoveries
have increased material civilization. There is in existence a stupendous
force, as yet, happily undiscovered by man. Let us supplicate
God, the Beloved, that this force be not discovered by science until
spiritual civilization shall dominate the human mind. In the hands of
men of lower nature, this power would be able to destroy the whole
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Japanese Foreign Office records list Viscount Minoji Arakawa as being Ambassador of Spain at that time. Spelling of the last name differs in the original text.
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