Our Guardian has received with extreme pleasure your letter of
February nineteenth from Tokyo.
He is so glad to know that you are finally there and actively busy
in a work to which he pays the greatest importance. Being pioneer
work it is bound to be slow, but he hopes that it will soon pass beyond
the pioneer stage and that Bahá’í Assemblies and groups composed
of full fledged and confirmed Bahá’ís will replace your isolated
individuals with whom you now communicate.
(signed by Soheil Afnan)
(in the Guardian’s handwriting)
My dear co-worker:
Please assure the dear friends in Tokyo of my brotherly affection,
and sincere and continued prayers for the success of their efforts in
the service of our beloved Cause. May the Beloved aid you to assist
them and guide them in their task, and strengthen you in your efforts
to consolidate the work that has been started in that land.