Thy letter was received. It became the cause of infinite rejoicing
for it expressed eloquently thy faith and thy turning thy face toward
the Kingdom of God. This light of guidance which is ignited in
the lamp of thy heart must become more brilliant day by day and shed
its light to all parts. Therefore, if thou travelest toward Japan
unquestionably Divine confirmations shall descend upon thee.
Convey the utmost kindness to Mrs. … on my behalf and say:
The doors of the Kingdom of God are open, the Call of the Lord of
the Kingdom is raised, the Bestowals of the Almighty are endless and
the effulgence of the Sun of Reality has illumined the East and the
West. In such a time patience and tranquility are not allowable. Thou
must engage with infinite joy and happiness in the mention of the
Forgiving Lord.
(Translated by Ahmad Sohrab, October 31, 1913, Ramleh, Egypt.
Received in Brooklyn, New York, January 1914)