So they continued for two centuries, alternately fighting
with fury and relaxing with weakness until the European
religionists withdrew from the East, leaving ashes of desolation
behind them and finding their own nations in a condition
of turbulence and upheaval. … Yet this was only
one of the “Holy wars.”
Religious wars have been many. Nine hundred thousand
martyrs of the Protestant cause was the record of
conflict and difference between that sect of Christians and
the Catholics. … How many languished in prisons!
How merciless the treatment of captives! All in the name
of religion!
The Christians and Muhammadans considered the
Jews as satanic and the enemies of God. Therefore they
cursed and persecuted them. Great numbers of Jews
were killed, their houses burnt and pillaged, their children
carried into captivity. The Jews in turn regarded the
Christians as infidels, and the Muhammadans as enemies
and destroyers of the laws of Moses; therefore they called
down vengeance upon them and curse them even to this
When the light of Bahá’u’lláh dawned from the East,
He proclaimed the promise of the oneness of humanity.
He addressed all mankind saying: “Ye are all fruits of
one tree. There are not two trees, one a tree of divine
mercy, the other a tree of Satan.” … Therefore we
must exercise the utmost love toward one another. We
must not consider any people the people of Satan, but
know and recognize all as servants of one God. At most
it is this: some do not know, they must be guided and
trained. … Some are ignorant, they must be informed.
Some are as children, they must be helped to reach
maturity. Some are ailing, their moral condition is bad,
they must be treated until their morals are purified. But
the sick man is not to be hated because he is sick; the
child must not be shunned because he is a child, the
ignorant one is not to be despised because he lacks knowledge.
They must be treated, educated, trained and assisted
in love. Everything must be done in order that all
humanity may live under the shadow of God in the utmost
security, in happiness of the highest type.