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When He arrived at Sháh-Rud, He was met by Quddús,
who had left Mashhad, where he had been residing, and had
come to welcome Him as soon as he had heard of His approach.
The whole province of Khurásán was in those days
in the throes of a violent agitation. The activities which
Quddús and Mullá Husayn had initiated, their zeal, their
courage, their outspoken language, had aroused the people
from their lethargy, had kindled in the hearts of some the
noblest sentiments of faith and devotion, and had provoked
in the breasts of others the instincts of passionate fanaticism
and malice. A multitude of seekers constantly poured from
every direction into Mashhad, eagerly sought the residence
of Mullá Husayn, and through him were ushered into the
presence of Quddús.
Their numbers soon swelled to such proportions as to
excite the apprehension of the authorities. The chief constable
viewed with concern and dismay the crowds of agitated
people who streamed unceasingly into every quarter of the
holy City. In his desire to assert his rights, intimidate Mullá
Husayn, and induce him to curtail the scope of his activities,
he issued orders to arrest immediately the latter’s special
attendant, whose name was Hasan, and subject him to cruel
and shameful treatment. They pierced his nose, passed a
cord through the incision, and with this halter led and paraded
him through the streets.
Mullá Husayn was in the presence of Quddús when the
news of the disgraceful affliction that had befallen his servant
reached him. Fearing lest this sad intelligence might grieve
the heart of his beloved chief, he arose and quietly retired.
His companions soon gathered round him, expressed their
indignation at this outrageous assault upon so innocent a
follower of their Faith, and urged him to avenge the insult.
Mullá Husayn tried to appease their anger. “Let not,” he
pleaded, “the indignity that has befallen Hasan afflict and
disturb you, for Husayn is still with you and will safely
deliver him back into your hands to-morrow.”
In the face of so solemn an assurance, his companions
ventured no further remarks. Their hearts, however, burned
with impatience to redress that bitter injury. A number of
them eventually decided to band themselves together and
loudly raise, through the streets of Mashhad, the cry of
“Yá Sáhibu’z-Zamán!”
as a protest against this sudden affront
to the dignity of their Faith. That cry was the first of its
kind to be raised in Khurásán in the name of the Cause of
God. The city re-echoed with the sound of those voices.
The reverberations of their shouts reached even the most
outlying regions of the province, raised a great tumult in
the hearts of the people, and were the signal for the tremendous
happenings that were destined to transpire in the future.
In the midst of the confusion that ensued, those who
were holding the halter with which they dragged Hasan
through the streets, perished by the sword. The companions
of Mullá Husayn conducted the released captive into the
presence of their leader and informed him of the fate that
had befallen the oppressor. “You have refused,” Mullá
Husayn is reported to have remarked, “to tolerate the trials
to which Hasan has been subjected; how can you reconcile
yourselves to the martyrdom of Husayn?”
The city of Mashhad, which had just recovered its peace
and tranquillity after the rebellion that the Salar had provoked,
was plunged again into confusion and distress. Prince
Hamzih Mírzá was stationed with his men and munitions at
a distance of four farsangs
from the city, ready to face
whatever emergency might arise when the news of these
fresh disturbances suddenly reached him. He immediately
despatched a detachment to the city with instructions to
obtain the assistance of the governor for the arrest of Mullá
Husayn, and to conduct him into his presence. ‘Abdu’l-‘Alí
Khán-i-Maraghiyí, the captain of the prince’s artillery, immediately
intervened. “I deem myself,” he pleaded, “one
among the lovers and admirers of Mullá Husayn. If you
contemplate inflicting any harm upon him, I pray you to
take my life and then to proceed to execute your design; for
I cannot, so long as I live, tolerate the least disrespect towards
The prince, who knew full well how much he stood in
need of that officer, was greatly embarrassed at this unexpected
declaration. “I too have met Mullá Husayn,” was
his reply as he tried to remove the apprehension of ‘Abdu’l-‘Alí
Khán. “I too cherish the utmost devotion to him. By
summoning him to my camp, I am hoping to restrict the
scope of the mischief which has been kindled and to safeguard
his person.” The prince then addressed in his own
handwriting a letter to Mullá Husayn in which he urged the
extreme desirability of his transferring his residence for a
few days to his headquarters, and assured him of his sincere
desire to shield him from the attacks of his infuriated opponents.
He gave orders that his own highly ornamented
tent be pitched in the vicinity of his camp and be reserved
for the reception of his expected guest.
On the receipt of this communication, Mullá Husayn
presented it to Quddús, who advised him to respond to the
invitation of the prince. “No harm can befall you,” Quddús
assured him. “As to me, I shall this very night set out in
the company of Mírzá Muhammad-‘Alíy-i-Qazvíní, one of
the Letters of the Living, for Mázindarán. Please God, you
too, later on, at the head of a large company of the faithful
and preceded by the ‘Black Standards,’ will depart from
Mashhad and join me. We shall meet at whatever place the
Almighty will have decreed.”
Mullá Husayn joyously responded. He threw himself at
the feet of Quddús and assured him of his firm determination
to discharge with fidelity the obligations which he had imposed
upon him. Quddús lovingly took him in his arms and,
kissing his eyes and his forehead, committed him to the
Almighty’s unfailing protection. Early that same afternoon,
Mullá Husayn mounted his steed and rode out with dignity
and calm to the encampment of Prince Hamzih Mírzá, and
was ceremoniously conducted by ‘Abdu’l-‘Alí Khán, who,
together with a number of officers, had been appointed by
the prince to go out and welcome him, to the tent that had
been specially erected for his use.
That very night, Quddús summoned to his presence
Mírzá Muhammad-Báqir-i-Qá’iní, who had built the Bábíyyih,
together with a number of the most prominent among his
companions, and enjoined upon them to bear unquestioned
allegiance to Mullá Husayn and to obey implicitly whatever
he might wish them to do. “Tempestuous are the storms
which lie ahead of us,” he told them. “The days of stress
and violent commotion are fast approaching. Cleave to him,
for in obedience to his command lies your salvation.”
With these words, Quddús bade farewell to his companions
and, accompanied by Mírzá Muhammad-‘Alíy-i-Qazvíní, departed
from Mashhad. A few days later, he encountered
Mírzá Sulaymán-i-Núrí, who informed him of the circumstances
attending the deliverance of Táhirih from her confinement
in Qazvín, of her journey in the direction of
Khurásán, and of Bahá’u’lláh’s subsequent departure from
the capital. Mírzá Sulaymán, as well as Mírzá Muhammad-‘Alí,
remained in the company of Quddús until their arrival
at Badasht. They reached that hamlet at the hour of dawn
and found there assembled a large gathering of people whom
they recognised as their fellow-believers. They decided,
however, to resume their journey, and proceeded directly to
Sháh-Rud. As they were approaching that village, Mírzá
Sulaymán, who was following at a distance behind them,
encountered Muhammad-i-Haná-Sab, who was on his way
to Badasht. In answer to his enquiry as to the object of
that gathering, Mírzá Sulaymán was informed that Bahá’u’lláh
and Táhirih had, a few days before, left Sháh-Rud for
that hamlet; that a large number of believers had already
arrived from Isfahán, Qazvín, and other towns of Persia,
and were waiting to accompany Bahá’u’lláh on His intended
journey to Khurásán. “Tell Mullá Ahmad-i-Ibdal, who is
now in Badasht,” Mírzá Sulaymán remarked, “that this very
morning a light has shone upon you, the radiance of which
you have failed to recognise.”
No sooner had Bahá’u’lláh been informed by Muhammad-i-Haná-Sab
of the arrival of Quddús at Sháh-Rud than He
decided to join him. Attended by Mullá Muhammad-i-Mu’allim-i-Núrí,
He set out on horseback that same evening
for that village, and had returned with Quddús to
Badasht the next morning at the hour of sunrise.
It was then the beginning of summer. Upon His arrival,
Bahá’u’lláh rented three gardens, one of which He assigned
exclusively to the use of Quddús, another He set apart for
Táhirih and her attendant, and reserved the third for Himself.
Those who had gathered in Badasht were eighty-one in number,
all of whom, from the time of their arrival to the day
of their dispersion, were the guests of Bahá’u’lláh. Every
day, He revealed a Tablet which Mírzá Sulaymán-i-Núrí
chanted in the presence of the assembled believers. Upon
each He bestowed a new name. He Himself was henceforth
designated by the name of Bahá; upon the Last Letter of
the Living was conferred the appellation of Quddús, and to
Qurratu’l-‘Ayn was given the title of Táhirih. To each of
those who had convened at Badasht a special Tablet was
subsequently revealed by the Báb, each of whom He addressed
by the name recently conferred upon him. When,
at a later time, a number of the more rigid and conservative
among her fellow-disciples chose to accuse Táhirih of indiscreetly
rejecting the time-honoured traditions of the past,
the Báb, to whom these complaints had been addressed, replied
in the following terms: “What am I to say regarding
her whom the Tongue of Power of Glory has named Táhirih
[the Pure One]?”
Each day of that memorable gathering witnessed the
abrogation of a new law and the repudiation of a long-established
tradition. The veils that guarded the sanctity
of the ordinances of Islám were sternly rent asunder, and
the idols that had so long claimed the adoration of their
blind worshippers were rudely demolished. No one knew,
however, the Source whence these bold and defiant innovations
proceeded, no one suspected the Hand which steadily
and unerringly steered their course. Even the identity of
Him who had bestowed a new name upon each of those who
had congregated in that hamlet remained unknown to those
who had received them. Each conjectured according to his
own degree of understanding. Few, if any, dimly surmised
that Bahá’u’lláh was the Author of the far-reaching changes
which were being so fearlessly introduced.
Shaykh Abú-Turáb, one of the best-informed as to the
nature of the developments in Badasht, is reported to have
related the following incident: “Illness, one day, confined
Bahá’u’lláh to His bed. Quddús, as soon as he heard of
His indisposition, hastened to visit Him. He seated himself,
when ushered into His presence, on the right hand of
Bahá’u’lláh. The rest of the companions were gradually
admitted to His presence, and grouped themselves around
Him. No sooner had they assembled than Muhammad-Hasan-i-Qazvíní,
the messenger of Táhirih, upon whom the
name of Fata’l-Qazvíní had been newly conferred, suddenly
came in and conveyed to Quddús a pressing invitation from
Táhirih to visit her in her own garden. ‘I have severed
myself entirely from her,’ he boldly and decisively replied.
‘I refuse to meet her.’
The messenger retired immediately,
and soon returned, reiterating the same message and appealing
to him to heed her urgent call. ‘She insists on your
visit,’ were his words. ‘If you persist in your refusal, she
herself will come to you.’ Perceiving his unyielding attitude,
the messenger unsheathed his sword, laid it at the feet of
Quddús, and said: ‘I refuse to go without you. Either
choose to accompany me to the presence of Táhirih or cut
off my head with this sword.’ ‘I have already declared my
intention not to visit Táhirih,’ Quddús angrily retorted. ‘I
am willing to comply with the alternative which you have
chosen to put before me.’
“Muhammad-Hasan, who had seated himself at the feet
of Quddús, had stretched forth his neck to receive the fatal
blow, when suddenly the figure of Táhirih, adorned and
unveiled, appeared before the eyes of the assembled companions.
Consternation immediately seized the entire gathering.
All stood aghast before this sudden and most unexpected
apparition. To behold her face unveiled was to them
inconceivable. Even to gaze at her shadow was a thing
which they deemed improper, inasmuch as they regarded
her as the very incarnation of Fátimih,
the noblest emblem
of chastity in their eyes.
“Quietly, silently, and with the utmost dignity, Táhirih
stepped forward and, advancing towards Quddús, seated
herself on his right-hand side. Her unruffled serenity sharply
contrasted with the affrighted countenances of those who
were gazing upon her face. Fear, anger, and bewilderment
stirred the depths of their souls. That sudden revelation
seemed to have stunned their faculties. ‘Abdu’l-Kháliq-i-Isfahání
was so gravely shaken that he cut his throat with
his own hands. Covered with blood and shrieking with
excitement, he fled away from the face of Táhirih. A few,
following his example, abandoned their companions and forsook
their Faith. A number were seen standing speechless
before her, confounded with wonder. Quddús, meanwhile,
had remained seated in his place, holding the unsheathed
sword in his hand, his face betraying a feeling of inexpressible
anger. It seemed as if he were waiting for the moment when
he could strike his fatal blow at Táhirih.
“His threatening attitude failed, however, to move her.
Her countenance displayed that same dignity and confidence
which she had evinced at the first moment of her appearance
before the assembled believers. A feeling of joy and
triumph had now illumined her face. She rose from her
seat and, undeterred by the tumult that she had raised in
the hearts of her companions, began to address the remnant
of that assembly. Without the least premeditation, and in
language which bore a striking resemblance to that of the
Qur’án, she delivered her appeal with matchless eloquence
and profound fervour. She concluded her address with this
verse of the Qur’án: ‘Verily, amid gardens and rivers shall
the pious dwell in the seat of truth, in the presence of the
potent King.’ As she uttered these words, she cast a furtive
glance towards both Bahá’u’lláh and Quddús in such a
manner that those who were watching her were unable to
tell to which of the two she was alluding. Immediately
after, she declared: ‘I am the Word which the Qá’im is to
utter, the Word which shall put to flight the chiefs and
nobles of the earth!’
“She then turned her face towards Quddús and rebuked
him for having failed to perform in Khurásán those things
which she deemed essential to the welfare of the Faith. ‘I
am free to follow the promptings of my own conscience,’
retorted Quddús. ‘I am not subject to the will and pleasure
of my fellow-disciples.’ Turning away her eyes from him,
Táhirih invited those who were present to celebrate befittingly
this great occasion. ‘This day is the day of festivity
and universal rejoicing,’ she added, ‘the day on which the
fetters of the past are burst asunder. Let those who have
shared in this great achievement arise and embrace each
That memorable day and those which immediately followed
it witnessed the most revolutionary changes in the
life and habits of the assembled followers of the Báb. Their
manner of worship underwent a sudden and fundamental
transformation. The prayers and ceremonials by which those
devout worshippers had been disciplined were irrevocably
discarded. A great confusion, however, prevailed among
those who had so zealously arisen to advocate these reforms.
A few condemned so radical a change as being the essence
of heresy, and refused to annul what they regarded as the
inviolable precepts of Islám. Some regarded Táhirih as the
sole judge in such matters and the only person qualified to
claim implicit obedience from the faithful. Others who denounced
her behaviour held to Quddús, whom they regarded
as the sole representative of the Báb, the only one who had
the right to pronounce upon such weighty matters. Still
others who recognised the authority of both Táhirih and
Quddús viewed the whole episode as a God-sent test designed
to separate the true from the false and distinguish the faithful
from the disloyal.
Táhirih herself ventured on a few occasions to repudiate
the authority of Quddús. “I deem him,” she is reported to
have declared, “a pupil whom the Báb has sent me to edify
and instruct. I regard him in no other light.” Quddús did
not fail, on his part, to denounce Táhirih as “the author of
heresy,” and stigmatised those who advocated her views as
“the victims of error.” This state of tension persisted for a
few days until Bahá’u’lláh intervened and, in His masterly
manner, effected a complete reconciliation between them.
He healed the wounds which that sharp controversy had
caused, and directed the efforts of both along the path of
constructive service.
The object of that memorable gathering had been attained.
The clarion-call of the new Order had been sounded.
The obsolete conventions which had fettered the consciences
of men were boldly challenged and fearlessly swept away.
The way was clear for the proclamation of the laws and
precepts that were destined to usher in the new Dispensation.
The remnant of the companions who had gathered in
Badasht accordingly decided to depart for Mázindarán.
Quddús and Táhirih seated themselves in the same howdah
which had been prepared for their journey by Bahá’u’lláh.
On their way, Táhirih each day composed an ode which she
instructed those who accompanied her to chant as they followed
her howdah. Mountain and valley re-echoed the
shouts with which that enthusiastic band, as they journeyed
to Mázindarán, hailed the extinction of the old, and the
birth of the new Day.
Bahá’u’lláh’s sojourn in Badasht lasted two and twenty
days. In the course of their journey to Mázindarán, a few
of the followers of the Báb sought to abuse the liberty which
the repudiation of the laws and sanctions of an outgrown
Faith had conferred upon them. They viewed the unprecedented
action of Táhirih in discarding the veil as a signal
to transgress the bounds of moderation and to gratify their
selfish desires. The excesses in which a few indulged provoked
the wrath of the Almighty and caused their immediate
dispersion. In the village of Níyálá, they were grievously
tested and suffered severe injuries at the hands of their
enemies. This scattering extinguished the mischief which a
few of the irresponsible among the adherents of the Faith
had sought to kindle, and preserved untarnished its honour
and dignity.
I have heard Bahá’u’lláh Himself describe that incident:
“We were all gathered in the village of Níyálá and were
resting at the foot of a mountain, when, at the hour of dawn,
we were suddenly awakened by the stones which the people
of the neighbourhood were hurling upon us from the top of
the mountain. The fierceness of their attack induced our
companions to flee in terror and consternation. I clothed
Quddús in my own garments and despatched him to a place
of safety, where I intended to join him. When I arrived, I
found that he had gone. None of our companions had remained
in Níyálá except Táhirih and a young man from
Shíráz, Mírzá ‘Abdu’lláh. The violence with which we were
assailed had brought desolation into our camp. I found no
one into whose custody I could deliver Táhirih except that
young man, who displayed on that occasion a courage and
determination that were truly surprising. Sword in hand,
undaunted by the savage assault of the inhabitants of the
village, who had rushed to plunder our property, he sprang
forward to stay the hand of the assailants. Though himself
wounded in several parts of his body, he risked his life to
protect our property. I bade him desist from his act. When
the tumult had subsided, I approached a number of the
inhabitants of the village and was able to convince them
of the cruelty and shamefulness of their behaviour. I subsequently
succeeded in restoring a part of our plundered
Bahá’u’lláh, accompanied by Táhirih and her attendant,
proceeded to Núr. He appointed Shaykh Abú-Turáb to
watch over her and ensure her protection and safety. Meanwhile
the mischief-makers were endeavouring to kindle the
anger of Muhammad Sháh against Bahá’u’lláh, and, by representing
Him as the prime mover of the disturbances of
Sháh-Rud and Mázindarán, succeeded eventually in inducing
the sovereign to have Him arrested. “I have hitherto,” the
Sháh is reported to have angrily remarked, “refused to countenance
whatever has been said against him. My indulgence
has been actuated by my recognition of the services rendered
to my country by his father. This time, however, I am
determined to put him to death.”
He accordingly commanded one of his officers in Tihrán
to instruct his son who was residing in Mázindarán to arrest
Bahá’u’lláh and to conduct Him to the capital. The son of
this officer received the communication on the very day
preceding the reception which he had prepared to offer to
Bahá’u’lláh, to whom he was devotedly attached. He was
greatly distressed and did not divulge the news to anyone.
Bahá’u’lláh, however, perceived his sadness and advised him
to put his trust in God. The next day, as He was being
accompanied by His friend to his home, they encountered a
horseman who was coming from the direction of Tihrán.
“Muhammad Sháh is dead!” that friend exclaimed in the
Mázindarání dialect, as he hastened to rejoin Him after a
brief conversation with the messenger. He drew out the
imperial summons and showed it to Him. The document
had lost its efficacy. That night was spent in the company
of his guest in an atmosphere of undisturbed calm and gladness.
Quddús had in the meantime fallen into the hands of his
opponents, and was confined in Sarí in the home of Mírzá
Muhammad-Taqí, the leading mujtahid of that town. The
rest of his companions, after their dispersal in Níyálá, had
scattered in different directions, each carrying with him to
his fellow-believers the news of the momentous happenings
of Badasht.
1. |
“O Lord of the Age!” one of the titles of the promised Qá’im.
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2. |
Allusion to his own martyrdom.
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3. |
See Glossary.
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4. |
Allusion to Quddús.
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5. |
According to the “Kashfu’l-Ghitá,” a decision had been previously arrived at between Quddús and Táhirih, in accordance with which the latter was to proclaim publicly the independent character of the Revelation of the Báb, and to emphasise the abrogation of the laws and ordinances of the previous Dispensation. Quddús, on the other hand, was expected to oppose her contention and strenuously to reject her views. This arrangement was made for the purpose of mitigating the effects of such a challenging and far-reaching proclamation, and of averting the dangers and perils which such a startling innovation was sure to produce. (P. 211.) Bahá’u’lláh appears to have taken a neutral attitude in this controversy, though actually He was the prime mover and the controlling and directing influence throughout the different stages of that memorable episode.
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6. |
“But the effect produced had been astounding! The assembly was as if struck by lightning. Some hid their faces with their hands, others, prostrated themselves, others covered their heads with their garments so that they could not see the features of her Highness, the Pure One. If it was a grievous sin to look upon the face of an unknown woman who might pass by, what a crime to let one’s eyes fall upon her who was so saintly! The meeting was broken up in the midst of an indescribable tumult. Insults fell upon her whom they thought so indecent as to appear thus with her face uncovered. Some armed that she had lost her mind, others that she was shameless, and some, very few, took up her defense.” (A. L. M. Nicolas’ “Siyyid ‘Alí-Muhammad dit le Báb,” pp. 283–284.)
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7. |
Daughter of Muhammad, and wife of the Imám ‘Alí.
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8. |
Refer to page 15.
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9. |
“It was this bold act of Qurratu’l-‘Ayn which shook the foundations of a literal belief in Islámic doctrines among the Persians. It may be added that the first-fruits of qurratu’l-’Ayn’s teaching was no less than the heroic Quddús, and that the eloquent teacher herself owed her insight probably to Bahá’u’lláh. Of course, the supposition that her greatest friend might censure her is merely a delightful piece of irony.” (Dr. T. K. Cheyne’s “The Reconciliation of Races and Religions,” pp. 103–4.)
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10. |
“It has been suggested that the true cause of the summoning of that assembly was anxiety for the Báb, and a desire to carry him off to a place of safety. But the more accepted view—that the subject before the Council was the relation of the Bábís to the Islámic laws—is also the more probable.” (Ibid., p. 80.) “The object of the conference was to correct a widespread misunderstanding. There were many who thought that the new leader came, in the most literal sense, to fulfil Islámic Law. They realised, indeed, that the object of Muhammad was to bring about an universal kingdom of righteousness and peace, but they thought this was to be effected by wading through streams of blood, and with the help of the divine judgments. The Báb, on the other hand, though not always consistent, was moving, with some of his disciples, in the direction of moral suasion; his only weapon was ‘the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.’ When the Qá’im appeared all things would be renewed. But the Qá’im was on the point of appearing, and all that remained was to prepare for his Coming. No more should there be any distinction between higher and lower races, or between male and female. No more should the long, enveloping veil be the badge of woman’s inferiority. The gifted woman before us had her characteristic solution of the problem… It is said in one form of tradition, that Qurratu’l-‘Ayn herself attended the conference with a veil on. If so, she lost no time in discarding it, and broke out (we are told) into the fervid exclamation, ‘I am the blast of the trumpet, I am the call of the bugle,’ i.e. ‘Like Gabriel, I would awaken sleeping souls.’ It is said, too, that this short speech of the brave woman was followed by the recitation by Bahá’u’lláh of the Súrih of the Resurrection (75). Such recitations often have an overpowering effect. The inner meaning of this was that mankind was about to pass into a new cosmic cycle, for which a new set of laws and customs would be indispensable.” (Dr. T. K. Cheyne’s “The Reconciliation of Races and Religions,” pp. 101–3.)
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11. |
Refer to Glossary.
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