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(31) December 7th, 1936 |
The Guardian is in receipt of your letter of the fifth
November, and exceedingly regrets that, owing to certain
family difficulties, you have found it necessary to cancel your
trip to the Holy Land. He is specially grieved to learn of the
many cares and sorrows with which your daughter has been
so sadly afflicted of late, and wishes me to hasten to convey to
you his most loving sympathy, as well as the assurance of his
prayers for the removal of the family troubles with which you
are beset. He fervently hopes that these afflictive trials confronting
you and your beloved daughter will all serve to
quicken your spiritual energies, and that the outcome of it all
will be to open before you new horizons of service, and fresh
fields for teaching the Message. May Bahá’u’lláh give you
patience to courageously withstand these tests, and full guidance
to use them as a means to more active, concentrated and
selfless service to His Cause. Do assure, therefore, your
daughter not to feel disheartened, but to confidently endeavour
to overcome her domestic sorrows and cares.
It is a pleasure to learn of the successful visit of Mr
to Auckland, and of the warm welcome he has
been accorded by you and the friends. This is a true evidence
of the strong ties of fellowship so closely uniting the friends
throughout the world, and of the deep affection which the believers
in New-Zealand cherish for their fellow-believers in
every region and clime.
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Fred Schopflocher was appointed Hand of the Cause of God in Canada on February 29th, 1952.
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