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Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand
Author: Shoghi Effendi
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Suva, Fiji Islands, 1982 edition
Pages: 104
Page 72   

(65) May 20th, 1957

Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of New Zealand.
Dear Bahá’í Friends:
Our beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you on his behalf and inform you that the Hand of the Cause, Mr Varqá, will shortly be forwarding to your assembly the equivalent of five hundred English pounds, as the Guardian’s contribution to your newly established National Fund.
He hopes that in the formulation of your plans, particular attention will be given to the all-important teaching work, the foundation of all the activities of the Faith and the most urgent task facing the friends in this critical period the world is passing through.
You may be sure he will pray for your success, With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani
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