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(9) April 3rd, 1926 |
He hopes that after this long vacation you have had you
are ready to begin spreading the Cause in New Zealand with
even greater energy than before. The people there seem to be
broad in their outlook, receptive to any idea which helps the
human family from decreasing its burden.
Shoghi Effendi was most chagrined to hear of the sudden
death of your son
and wishes me to extend to you his
deepest love and sympathy.
I wish to express in person my deep sympathy in the
heavy loss you have sustained. May the Beloved Comforter
strengthen you and sustain you in your bereavement. The
memory of your visit to the Holy Land is still fresh and vivid in
my mind and I pray and supplicate at the holy Shrines that
your labours in the Cause may yield an abundant harvest.
1. |
Rev. Oscar Blundell
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