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PART TWO: Letters from Shoghi Effendi Letter of January 21st, 1922. 13 14 15 |
At this early hour when the morning light is just breaking upon
the Holy Land, whilst the gloom of the dear Master’s bereavement
is still hanging thick upon the hearts, I feel as if my soul turns in
yearning love and full of hope to that great company of His loved
ones across the seas, who now share with us all the agonies of His
It is idle for me to emphasize how much the sorrowful ladies
of the Holy Household look forward to the work that lies before
the friends in the American continent, who in the past have rendered
so glorious a service to His Cause and will now, faithful to His
special love for them, carry on their mission still more gloriously
than ever before. True, the shock has been too terrible and sudden
for us all to recover from in so short a time, but whenever we recall
His Sayings and read His Writings, hope springs in our hearts
and gives us the peace that no other material comfort can give.
How well I remember when, more than two years ago, the
Beloved Master turning to a distinguished visitor of His, who was
seated by Him in His garden, suddenly broke the silence and said:—“My work is now done upon this plane; it is time for me to pass on
to the other world.” Did He not in more than one occasion state
clearly and emphatically:—“Were ye to know what will come to
pass after me, surely would ye pray that my end be hastened?”
In a Tablet sent to Persia when the storm raised years ago by that
Committee of Investigation was fiercely raging around Him, when
the days of His incarceration were at their blackest, He reveals the
following:—“Now in this world of being, the Hand of Divine
Power hath firmly laid the foundations of this all-highest Bounty
and this wondrous Gift. Gradually whatsoever is latent in the innermost
of this Holy Cycle shall appear and be made manifest, for now
is but the beginning of its growth and the dayspring of the revelation
of its Signs. Ere the close of this Century and of this Age, it
shall be made clear and manifest how wondrous was that Springtide
and how heavenly was that Gift!”
With such assuring Utterances and the unmistakable evidences
of His sure and clear knowledge that His end was nigh, is there
any reason why the followers of His Faith, the world over, should
be perturbed? Are not the prayers He revealed for us sufficient
source of inspiration to every worker in His Cause? Have not His
instructions paved before us the broad and straight Path of Teaching?
Will not His now doubly effective power of Grace sustain
us, strengthen us and confirm us in our work for Him? Ours is
the duty to strive by day and night to fulfill our own obligations
and then trust in His Guidance and never failing Grace. Unity
amongst the friends, selflessness in our labors in His Path, detachment
from all worldly things, the greatest prudence and caution in
every step we take, earnest endeavor to carry out only what is His
Holy Will and Pleasure, the constant awareness of His Presence and
of the example of His Life, the absolute shunning of whomsoever
we feel to be an enemy of the Cause … these, and foremost among
them is the need for unity, appear to me as our most vital duties,
should we dedicate our lives for His service. Should we in this
spirit arise to serve Him, what surer and greater promise have we
than the one His Glorious Father, Bahá’u’lláh, gives us in His Most
Holy Book:—“Verily, We behold you from Our Realm of Effulgent
Glory, and shall graciously aid whosoever ariseth for the triumph
of Our Cause with the hosts of the Celestial Concourse and a company
of Our chosen angels.”
How dearly all the Holy Leaves
cherish that memory of the
departed Master, as He commented upon the fresh tidings that
poured in from that continent, admiring the untiring activity of
the friends, the complete subordination of their material interests
to those of the Cause, the remarkable spread of the Movement
in their midst and their staunch firmness in the Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh.
It is these encouraging reflections of the Master about His
loved ones in America and the tests intellectual rather than physical
which He said He would send to them to purify them and make ever
brighter than before—it is these comments and promises of His that
make of the Movement in that land such a potential force in the
world today. The Beloved Master’s cable to the friends in that
region is a clear indication of the presence of those counteracting
forces that may usher in those storms of tests that the Master Himself
has said will ultimately be for the good of the Cause in that
And finally, the ladies of the Sacred Household and we, the rest
of His kindred and family, will pray at His Hallowed Shrine for
every one of you and He will surely watch over and enhance in the
course of time that noble part of His heritage that He has bequeathed
to His friends in the Far West; friends from whom in return He
expects so much and whom He has loved and still doth love so dearly.
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Descendants (feminine) of Bahá’u’lláh.
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