Various happenings of recent months, highly disquieting in
their suddenness, their complexity and consequences, have time and
again, to my regret, compelled me to defer correspondence with
you, my highly valued co-workers, who are destined to share no
small a part of the burden that now weighs so heavily upon me.
The prolonged and delicate negotiations arising out of the critical
situation of Bahá’u’lláh’s house in Ba
ghdád; the shameful recrudescence
of unrestrained barbarism in stricken Persia; the unexpected
reverse recently sustained in our legal transactions for the deliverance
of Bahá’u’lláh’s mansion at Bahjí from the hands of the enemy;
the unprecedented increase in the volume of work resulting from the
rise and expansion of the Movement in various parts of the world—these and other issues, no less pressing in their demand upon my
time and energy, have gradually affected my health and impaired
the efficiency required in the discharge of my arduous duties. But,
though body and mind be sorely strained by cares and perplexities
which a Movement such as ours just emerging from obscurity must
needs encounter, yet the spirit continues to draw fresh inspiration
from the manner in which the chosen deliverers of the Faith in the
Western world, and particularly in the American continent, are
proving themselves increasingly worthy of such a stupendous yet
so noble a task.