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Directives from the Guardian
Author: Shoghi Effendi
Source: India/Hawaii, 1973 edition
Pages: 87
Page 71   

188: TEACHERS, BAHÁ’Í (A Principle)

“Regarding the principle that the Cause must not be allowed to center around any Bahá’í personality, the Guardian wishes to make it clear that it was never intended that well qualified individual teachers should not receive from local Assemblies every encouragement and facilities to address the public. What the Guardian meant was that the personality and popularity of such a speaker should never be allowed to eclipse the authority or detract from the influence of the body of the elected representatives in every local community. Such an individual should not only seek the approval, advice and assistance of the body that represents the Cause in his locality, but should strive to attribute any credit he may obtain, to the collective wisdom and capacity of the Assembly under whose jurisdiction he performs his services. Assemblies and not individuals constitute the bedrock on which the Administration is built. Everything else must be subordinated to, and be made to serve and advance the best interests of these elected custodians and promoters of the laws of Bahá’u’lláh.”
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