Answer to Various Questions
Local Haziras may be converted to National ones; this is
premature at present.
The recognition of our Laws of Personal Status must naturally
precede formation of Baha’i courts; as long as your
translation is correct his approval is not needed.
You should start a Temple Fund; the site need not exceed
two or three acres, and should be inside Delhi or near the city
You will be able to consult with the members of Australian
N.S.A. at the time of the Conference in New Delhi about literature;
they will certainly assist your Assembly with the publications.
Baha’is from India, Pakistan and Burma are eligible for your
Asian Teaching Committee.
Consolidation can mean the establishment of the institutions
you enumerate, but it is not essential at present; to increase
the assemblies and groups, and bring in new believers, is the
most important part of consolidation; as the plan unfolds, he
will have to see what other things are really essential and call
your attention to them.