The Guardian urges as many of the Baha’i youth of India,
Pakistan and Burma as possible to attend the historic Conference
to be held in New Delhi, in October. At that Conference,
plans will be made for the carrying of the Message of Baha’u’llah,
during the coming ten years, far beyond the borders of
their homeland; and it will be the youth who will shoulder a
great part of this and the other tasks that will be given to your
Community. In fact, the settling of these virgin fields both close
to your own lands, and in far-off areas, is the very first responsibility
of the believers, in this Ten-Year World Crusade. Therefore,
each one of you should think now seriously what you are
going to do about it, and start making your plans accordingly.
The sooner the virgin fields are settled, the sooner will be witnessed
the tremendous power that is released in this day; and
the bounties that await those who go forth to pioneer in these
lands, are great indeed.