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Dawn of a New Day

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Trust of India, date unknown
  • Pages:
  • 228
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Pages 212-214

Cablegram of 15.2.1944

15.2.1944 Overjoyed magnificent successes praying abundant blessings three newly formed assemblies. Local assemblies should be elected as usual during Ridvan. Annual Convention should be held same week as Centenary Celebrations. Advise fix number convention delegates at fifty-seven or three times nineteen. Choice place celebrations left discretion National Assembly—SHOGHI RABBANI April 1953 Assembled delegates communities India Pakistan
Burma lovingly remembered Shrines occasion Most Great Festival Holy Year coinciding launching world, Spiritual Crusade designed diffuse light Baha’u’llahs Revelation entire planet. Members all three communities constituting next cradle Faith second stronghold its institutions Asiatic continent distinguished record services His Cause extending three quarters century called upon enrich considerably coming decade annals Faith Indian Subcontinent Burma. Ten Year Plan fourth series plans undertaken these communities designed carry stage further collective achievements within beyond borders homelands involves first opening following virgin territories eleven Asia Andaman Islands Bhutan Daman Diu Goa Karikal Mahe Mariana 213 Islands Nicobar Islands Pondicherry Sikkim five Africa Comoro Islands French Cameroons Gambia Ruanda Urundi Socotra Island second consolidation Faith following territories eleven Asia Baluchistan Borneo Burma Ceylon Indo-China Indonesia Malaya Nepal Pakistan Sarawark Siam three Africa Madagascar Mozambique Zanzibar third establishment National Spiritual Assemblies Pakistan Burma Ceylon South East Asia fourth incorporation each aforementioned National Assemblies fifth establishment national endowments same assemblies sixth establishment national haziratulquds Karachi Rangoon Colombo Jakarta seventh establishment national Baha’i court New Delhi eighth establishment national Baha’i court Karachi ninth purchase land New Delhi anticipation first Mashriquladhkar India tenth translation Baha’i literature forty languages collaboration National Spiritual Assembly Australasia Abor Miri Aneityum Annamese Balochai Bentuni Binandere Cheremiss Chungchia Georgian Houailou Javanese Kado Kaili Kopu Kusaie Lepcha Lifu Manchu Manipuri Manus Island Marquesas Mentawei Mongolian Mordoff Mwala Na-Hsi Nicobarese Niue Ossete Ostiak Pali Panjabi Pashto Perm Petats Samoan Tho Tibetan Tonga Vogul eleventh doubling number Spiritual Assemblies localities India Pakistan Burma twelfth doubling number incorporated Spiritual Assemblies India Pakistan Burma thirteenth establishment Baha’i Publishing Trust New Delhi fourteenth expansion Panchgani School fifteenth formation Asian Teaching Committee designed stimulate coordinate teaching activities Plan. May valiant followers Faith representatives four principal religions mankind recruited highly diversified classes races boasting already noteworthy share unfoldment Administrative Order Baha’u’llah arise ennoble past achievements be enabled through future victories 214 pay befitting tribute His memory occasion hundredth anniversary declaration His Mission—SHOGHI