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National Fund |
I wish, in particular, to express his gratification at the success
that has attended your annual Convention this year, and at the
recommendations and decisions taken by the N.S.A. with the
view of intensifying the teaching campaign throughout India
and Burma. He would strongly urge your Assembly to maintain
the standard of the teaching work, and to appeal to the
friends to rise up to the call of the hour, and to be ready to
undergo any sacrifice that their sacred task requires.
Above all he wishes through you to reiterate his wish,
already expressed in his recent cable to the N.S.A., that the
National Fund, which undoubtedly constitutes the bedrock
upon which all the activities of the Cause ultimately rest, should
receive the continued and whole-hearted support of all the
believers. Both the local Assemblies and the individual believers
should realize that unless they contribute regularly and
generously to that Fund the progress of the Faith in India and
Burma will not only be considerably retarded, but will inevitably
come to a standstill. There should be a continual flow of
funds to the National treasury of the N.S.A., if that body
wishes to properly administer the manifold and ever-increasing
activities of the Faith. Every Baha’i no matter how poor, must
realize what a grave responsibility he has to shoulder in this
connection, and should have confidence that his spiritual progress
as a believer in the World Order of Baha’u’llah will largely
depend upon the measure in which he proves, in deeds, his
readiness to support materially the divine institutions of His
The Guardian is most delighted to hear of the activities
initiated recently by various local Assemblies in India, and
wishes you to convey to these dear friends, and particularly to
Prof. Abdu’l-Aziz of Hyderabad and the members of his teaching
group, the expression of his keenest appreciation of their
labours for the spread of the Cause. He would urge them each
and all to lend every effort to assist your N.S.A. in its nation-wide
teaching endeavours, and is most ardently praying that
they may be assisted and guided by the confirmations from on
I am deeply touched by the varied and compelling evidences
of the vigour and loyalty which characterize the National
Assembly’s conduct of Baha’i affairs in both India and
Burma. The Cause, as a result of their self-sacrificing
endeavours and inflexible resolve, is being firmly consolidated
and widely propagated in those regions. Perseverance
will enable you to attain your goal and to lay an unassailable
foundation for your future work in both the teaching
and administrative spheres of Baha’i service. I will
continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart.