A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
Six-Year Plan |
The Six-Year Plan which your N.S.A. has resolved to
initiate with the purpose of furthering the teaching work has
met with the full approval of the Guardian. He wishes your
Assembly every success in this remarkable and nation-wide
undertaking which you have decided to launch.
Your letter of June 19, enclosing reports of great interest
and value, has also reached me and I am filled with a sense
of happiness and gratitude for these incessant evidences of
your zeal and united endeavours. I am truly impressed by
the sound progress and expansion of the activities in which
the believers of India and Burma are so earnestly and
devotedly engaged. The institutions you have recently
initiated, the plan of teaching you have launched, the degree
of unity, of consecration and solidarity you have attained,
the measures for internal consolidation you have devised,
the support you have consistently and cordially extended
to our dear Martha, all proclaim the depth of your devotion
and attest the nobility and staunchness of your faith. The
utmost care is now required to nurse, foster, multiply and
coordinate these nascent institutions and activities. Every
nerve should be strained, every sacrifice should be made to
enable them to fructify and prosper.