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(17) April 23, 1954 |
Your letter of April 6th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and
he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
In regard to the matters you raised in it, he feels that the
Hazíratu’l-Quds should be inside the city limits. Ten miles from the town
is too far out to be practical.
Although he attaches great importance to the opening of new Centres
throughout any territory, including, of course, Alaska, he wishes you to
give special attention to sending a pioneer to Point Barrow, beyond the
Arctic Circle. He feels that there is a great significance in having believers
serving so far north; and he hopes that one of the friends will be able to
secure some employment there and proceed to act as a pioneer in this
highly meritorious field.
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(Letter No. 17) Based on these directions from the Guardian, the first Hazíratu’l-Quds was purchased inside the City limits at 810–8th Avenue. At that time (1955) the population of Anchorage was less than 25,000 concentrated around what is now downtown Anchorage. Following the earthquake in 1964, it was necessary to abandon the original Hazíratu’l-Quds. The property was sold for $20,000 and a diligent year-long effort was made to find a suitable replacement. Nothing appropriate could be found inside the city limits within the price range. Guidance was requested from the Universal House of Justice. In a letter dated May 11, 1965, they stated the following, “…we feel that it is more important that you should acquire a national Hazíratu’l-Quds for Alaska without delay. Preferably is should be within the civic limits of Anchorage but if you cannot find a suitable building which can be purchased for the $20,000 which you have available, you should look for a location in the immediate suburbs of Anchorage….”
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