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High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska

  • Author:
  • Various

  • Source:
  • Alaska, 1976 edition
  • Pages:
  • 79
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Pages 22-23

(21) July 1, 1955

(21) July 1, 1955
Northern Peoples Teaching Committee
Dear Bahá’í Friends:
Your letter of May 2nd with enclosures has been received by the 23 beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
He appreciates receiving the pamphlet and the photograph which you sent him.
He considers it would be a great service to the Faith if you can arrange to have some of the literature translated into other of the more widely used dialects, and especially Aleut. He also approves of your following the idea of the book published in English entitled: “A Bahá’í Child’s Song Book,” where you feel that is desirable.
The Guardian greatly values the services of your Committee in their devoted efforts to bring the Faith to the native people of Alaska, and assures you of his prayers for the abundant success of your labours.
With warm Bahá’í greetings,
R. Rabbani
[From the Guardian:]
May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to enrich the record of your splendid services to His Faith.
Your true brother,