(31) July 24, 1956
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Anchorage
Your letter of June 27th has been received by the beloved Guardian,
and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
You must feel proud of the achievements in Anchorage, and in Alaska
generally. He himself is very happy over, and proud of, the work
accomplished there, particularly in recent years.
You should not worry about attacks on the Faith, as these in the end
cannot but result in the further growth of the Faith. You should face the
coming formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska with joy
and confidence, as it will rest on a firm and promising foundation.
He will remember all the members of the Spiritual Assembly in his
prayers, that their labours in the Cause of God may be richly blessed. He
also assures you of his prayers.
With warm Bahá’í greetings,
R. Rabbani
May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh, whose cause you and your fellow-workers
serve with such love, zeal and devotion, guide and sustain you, aid you to
lend, in the days to come, an unprecedented impetus to the spread of the
Faith, and the multiplication of its institutions, and win memorable
Your true brother,