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(2) February 12th, 1940 |
The Guardian has received your most welcome message of December
31st, and feels truly delighted to know of your recent confirmation in the
Faith, and of the pioneer work you are now undertaking in Alaska,
collaboration with our beloved sister Miss Honor Kempton.
He would urge you and also dear Miss Kempton to persevere, and
through your joint exertions endeavour to pave the way for the formation
of a local assembly in Alaska. Rest assured his prayers will be specially
offered on behalf of you both, that you may receive ever-increasing
strength, capacity and guidance to carry out your high teaching mission to
complete success.
Your letter cheered and heartened me in the conduct of my arduous
duties and responsibilities. I rejoice to learn of your high endeavours in
that distant field, and I will specially pray with increasing fervour for
your protection and success. How great your privilege, how laborious
your task, how noble your mission! Do not feel disheartened. Persevere
and be confident always.
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(Letter No. 2) Janet Whitenack (Stout) was the first person to enroll in the Faith in Alaska during the first Seven Year Plan.
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