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Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Australia, 1971 reprint
  • Pages:
  • 140
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Pages 29-31

Letter of February 15th, 1939

February 15th, 1939.
Dear Miss Brooks:
Your letter of January 17th, enclosing one addressed to the Guardian by the Sydney Spiritual Assembly, have both duly arrived, and their contents read by him with deepest satisfaction and with feelings of unbounded gratitude.
He is writing the Sydney Assembly separately, assuring them 30 that Miss Davis who is on a world tour, would be most welcome to visit the Holy Shrines in Haifa and Bahjí, but he himself is exceedingly sorry not to be able to meet her, as he is at present away from the Holy Land, and may not be back to Haifa before some time. He hopes, nevertheless, Miss Davis will benefit from her close contact with the Sacred Places of the Faith, and will gain such experiences as will stimulate still further her interest in the Cause, and lead her gradually to fully and unreservedly embrace its truth.
Regarding the extensive preparations made by the N.S.A. in connection with the teaching travels of our indefatigable and highly-esteemed Bahá’í sister Miss Martha Root throughout Australia and New-Zealand; the Guardian feels truly delighted and profoundly grateful to your Assembly for the befitting welcome you have extended to her, and for the arrangements you have made for her to broadcast her speeches, and to contact as many individuals and organisations as her time and health permit. You are certainly fully availing yourself of the opportunity of her presence in your midst to further intensify the campaign of teaching throughout Australia, and you can rest assured that Bahá’u’lláh will reinforce and bless your endeavours for the accomplishment of so vital and so sacred a task.
The draft for thirty pounds which you had enclosed in your letter, representing the contribution of the believers of Australia and New-Zealand toward the International Fund of the Cause, has been received with grateful appreciation by our beloved Guardian, and he wishes your Assembly to kindly convey to all the friends his deep sense of gratitude, as well as his profound admiration, for the exemplary devotion and loyal attachment to the Cause that has prompted them to make such generous donations.
With renewed and heartfelt thanks for your very kind letter, and reciprocating your greetings,
Yours in His Service,
H. Rabbani.
[From the Guardian:]
Dearly-beloved co-workers:
I am so glad and grateful for the plans you have conceived for the reception, and organisation of the work, of Martha during 31 her visit to your shores. The community of the believers in Australia and New Zealand is making remarkable progress in every phase of its activities, and deserves the highest praise in its magnificent and incessant labours. I am proud of the quality of its faith and the range of its achievements. May the Beloved infuse into each one of its members a greater measure of His power and of His spirit that will enable them to seek nobler heights in their historic service to His Cause!
Your true and grateful brother,