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Letter of 5 November 1925 |
It is always a great pleasure to us all to receive from the
German National Spiritual Assembly, in whose members we
have the greatest hopes, detailed and frequent reports
regarding the work entrusted to their charge. I shall always
welcome with the greatest joy and satisfaction any
suggestions you may wish to offer, would be gratified to
share in the study of your plans, in the consideration of your
manifold difficulties and problems as well as in the joy of
your individual as well as collective accomplishments. I
therefore earnestly request you to inform me as regularly
and as frequently as possible of the various features of your
work, of the plans and schemes which you have in mind, of
the various obstacles in your path, and of whatever is
needed to ensure the peaceful and steady progress of your
work and the consolidation of your devoted labours.
An active, united, and harmonious National Spiritual
Assembly, properly and conscientiously elected, vigorously
functioning, alert and conscious of its many and pressing
responsibilities, in close and continuous contact with the
international center in the Holy Land, and keenly watchful
of every development throughout the length and breadth of
its ever-expanding field of work—is surely in this day of
urgent necessity and paramount importance, for it is the
corner-stone on which the edifice of Divine administration
must ultimately rest. It is my hope and prayer that the ever-watchful
Spirit of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá will guide, reinforce, and
bless your unceasing and unsparing efforts, and crown with
brilliant success the services which His well-beloved and
loyal German friends are rendering to His Cause.
I am enclosing a general letter of appeal addressed to the
declared believers throughout the Bahá’í world, acquainting
them with the present situation of the land in close
proximity to the Shrines of Mount Carmel and urging them
to do all in their power to safeguard for the future the
surroundings of this cherished and sacred Spot.
I am also enclosing a copy of the list of transliterated
terms commonly used in Bahá’í Literature, and ask you to
distribute them throughout the various Bahá’í centres in
Germany and Austria, that the friends the world over may
adopt in their writings one common, authoritative, and
uniform system of spelling and thus avoid inevitable
confusion in future.
I have already acquainted you by cable of the sad and
grave situation in Baghdád in connection with the House of
Bahá’u’lláh, wherein He passed the greater part of His
sojourn in ‘Iráq, which He explicitly designated as sacred,
object of Bahá’í veneration and pilgrimage, and of the future
of which He spoke and wrote with glowing praise and
majestic confidence. I am certain that every true believer in
Germany and Austria, conscious of the gravity of the
present situation, will after due consultation and
deliberation, do all in his power to safeguard such an
infinitely precious and sacred edifice.
The publication of “La Nova Tago” the first International
Esperanto Gazette, has given me genuine and deep
satisfaction and I trust that this promising Magazine,
properly directed and nurtured, will achieve great things for
the Cause in future. I strongly urge you to support it, guide
it and direct it along the most profitable channels, and make
of it in time a true mirror reflecting the world-wide activities
of the Bahá’í Cause. May it achieve its great and laudable
In my hours of prayer and meditation at the three holy
Shrines, I particularly and most tenderly remember my
unforgettable German friends, in whose ability, ardour,
thoroughness, sagacity and constancy our Beloved had the
greatest belief and confidence, of whose land He spoke so
highly, and on whom He lavished His lovingkindness and
blessings. We follow your present activities with no less
admiration and affection, and feel certain that you are
destined to play your part in securing the ultimate and
universal recognition of the Bahá’í Faith.