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Letter of 8 June 1954 |
The beloved Guardian has been greatly pleased with the
achievements of the friends throughout the world during the
first year of the Ten-Year Crusade. Victories were won in
all parts of the world, and on many fronts. The Faith was
established in 101 countries of the world, bringing the light
of guidance to 229 countries and islands.
We now enter the second phase of the Ten-Year Crusade.
One of the important items was the purchase of
Hazíratu’l-Quds for future National Spiritual Assemblies.
The Guardian feels that immediate steps should be taken to
fulfil a part of this project. In all, there are 49 Hazíratu’l-Quds
to be purchased—4 already are owned. He feels that
during the second year of the Crusade, 17 additional
Hazíratu’l-Quds should be purchased. These should not be
elaborate structures, but modest houses, which can serve at
the present time, as local Hazíratu’l-Quds, but which will be
converted into National Hazíratu’l-Quds as soon as the
National Assemblies are formed.
The Guardian has been informed that a small property
has been procured in Vienna, to serve as a Headquarters.
He is anxious to know if this property has been purchased,
or is being rented. If it has been purchased, and is an
independent property, it of course can serve temporarily as
a Hazírá for the local Assembly, and then later be made the
National Hazírá. If, on the other hand, the building is being
rented, and it is satisfactory, efforts should be made to
purchase it. If it cannot be purchased, then some other small
property should be bought. The Guardian wishes it clearly
understood that a Hazírá must be a piece of land owned by
the Bahá’ís, and not a rented piece of property.
The Guardian will appreciate advice from you as quickly
as possible of the steps being taken to fulfill this important
task of the second phase of the Ten-Year Plan. He feels this
property should be purchased during the current year….
P.S.—The Guardian requests that you inform all the
friends that their most important duty at the present time is
the fulfillment of the tasks of the Ten-Year Crusade. This
calls for the sacrifice of local activities in order that the
national and international development of the Faith may go
forward uninterruptedly. No local institutions should be
started. The National Assembly should see that money is
not spent on local centers at this time, and the friends
should be encouraged to concentrate on the national and
international activities of the Faith.