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Letter of 2 August 1955 |
Your letters of June 11, July 16 and 22, August 30,
October 12 and 17, November 2 and 17 and December 10,
1954; and January 31 and February 19, April 28 and May
21, 1955, with their various enclosures, have all been
recived by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me
to answer you on his behalf.
As the work of the Ten-Year Crusade steadily grows, he
finds it more and more difficult to correspond with the
National Assemblies frequently; and indeed is wondering
what will be the situation in a few years’ time, when we have
so many additional National Bodies. This explains why you
have not heard from him before.
The friends who have gone forth to new lands cannot be
too careful. Unless they can stay long enough to convert at
least a small group of people, who will be firmly grounded
in the Faith, and continue to work if they are forced to
leave, a great deal of time and money will have been wasted,
and the progress of the Plan suffer a serious setback.
He was very satisfied to hear of the progress made at the
Teaching Conference held in Frankfurt under the aegis of
the European Hands. He feels sure that this helped to
stimulate and coordinate the work. Association and
consultation, as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá so repeatedly emphasized,
have a great effect on the friends, and enable them to see the
work of the Cause as a whole, rather than as a small local
enterprise in which their personalities and other people’s
personalities often conflict; and challenge them to arise and
go forth into new fields, in order to spread the Faith far and
The Guardian attaches the greatest importance to the
Temple enterprise. He feels that if, for any reason, you do
not win the case and get permission to build the Temple on
the land you have already chosen, a new piece of land must
be speedily bought. He is hoping that the case will be
satisfactorily settled, and that there will be no necessity for
you to look further.
The preparation of designs for the Temple he feels,
however, should not wait upon the conclusion of the court
case. It is going to take some time to receive designs, to
forward them to him for his advice, and to incorporate any
possible changes that may be deemed necessary, if one of the
designs is found satisfactory. He therefore advises you to
open the competition as soon as you can, and not lose any
more time.
He wishes at this juncture to stress to your Assembly the
need for economy. The Temple must naturally be a
dignified and worthy edifice. He does not consider that any
of these modernistic experiments in architecture are at all
suitable for a building of this nature, lacking as they so often
do, beauty and dignity.
In the days when ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was urging the American
Bahá’ís to build the first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár of the western
world, He repeatedly emphasized that it could be a modest
building, and that the important thing was the spiritual
element that this House of Worship in the name of
Bahá’u’lláh should be raised in the heart of America. The
same thing applies now to your Temple in Germany. Size
and pretentiousness are not important. The important thing
is that the building should be speedily erected, and be a
financial possibility, not placing, as the American Temple, a
terrible strain on the friends for years to come.
He is happy to see that the German friends have been
able, during the last few years, to move about much more,
attend conferences in other European countries, go forth as
pioneers, and gradually increase the number of centres in
Germany and Austria. He attaches the greatest importance
to this because one of the main tasks of your Assembly is to
insure that Austria will have an independent National
Assembly by the end of the Plan; and she cannot do this
unless she multiplies her Spiritual Assemblies in order to
build a broad foundation for the National Body. He hopes
you will constantly encourage the Vienna Bahá’ís and the
isolated believers in Austria to increase their teaching
activities, to strengthen the work of the Faith, to pioneer in
new centres, and, above all, to be united; as unity is one of
the greatest forces at our disposal for achieving the work of
the Cause.
P.S. The Guardian wishes particularly to thank you all
for your loving message to him on the occasion of Riḍván,
which he appreciated receiving very much. He assures you
all that he prays that great victories may attend your efforts
to spread the Faith and consolidate its foundations.
The steady extension and consolidation of the activities in
which the members of the Bahá’í communities in Germany
and Austria are so devotedly, so unitedly and strenuously
engaged, have greatly cheered my heart, heightened my
admiration for them, and reinforced my hopes for the
triumphant conclusion of their collective enterprises
undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Ten-Year
By virtue of the important position they occupy in the
heart of the European continent; singled out for special
favours by the Center of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant among their
sister communities in that same continent; distinguished
through the appointment of two Hands of the Cause from
among their members; entrusted with the tremendous and
sacred responsibility of erecting the first Bahá’í House of
Worship on European soil; displaying, on the morrow of
the ordeals which have for so long and so cruelly afflicted
them, a virility, a courage, a fidelity worthy of emulation by
their sister communities not only in neighbouring lands but
throughout the Bahá’í world, these twin communities,
destined through their common language, racial
characteristics and traditions to play a notable and distinct
part in the world-wide progress of the Faith in both the
European and Asiatic continents, must continue to forge
ahead, with inflexible resolve, unshakable faith, undimmed
vision, and unabated vigour, along the road leading them to
the fulfilment of their high destiny.
The steady increase in the number of the adherents of the
Faith in both countries and the multiplication of isolated
centres, groups and local assemblies is a task of primary
importance to which they must direct special attention
during the last year of the second phase of this world-embracing
spiritual Crusade. Equally vital in sacredness
and importance is the definite settlement of the issue that
has arisen in connexion with the purchase of the site of the
future Temple in the neighbourhood of Frankfurt, as well as
the selection of its design, as essential preliminaries to the
excavation of its foundations and the erection of its
structure. Both of these require the concentrated and
sustained attention of the elected representatives of these
communities, whose task is to expedite this pre-eminent
undertaking destined to exert a far-reaching spiritual
influence on the fortunes of the Faith not only in Germany
and Austria but throughout the European continent and
even far beyond its borders.
Still another obligation that must under no circumstances
be lost sight of or neglected is the incorporation of definitely
established local assemblies in these two adjoining
countries, a process that will greatly consolidate the
administrative foundations of the Faith and enhance its
prestige in the European continent.
The adoption of special measures by these same elected
national representatives, designed to hasten the emergence
of an independent National Spiritual Assembly in Austria, is
yet another duty which calls for urgent and earnest
consideration on their part and one which, if worthily
performed, will lend a tremendous impetus to the progress
of the Faith in a country occupying so central a position in
Europe, so rich in its past history, and blessed by the
footsteps of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
The splendid work accomplished by German pioneers in
virgin territories in both the North and South of Europe,
auguring well for the accomplishment of a similar mission in
the Eastern territories forming part of their alloted task
under the Ten-Year Plan, must be jealously safeguarded and
continually reinforced, as it constitutes a prelude to the
victories that must needs be won, in the course of future
Plans, on the eastern confines of that continent and even as
far afield as the heart of Asia.
No sacrifice can be deemed too great for the attainment of
these shining goals and the winning of such precious prizes.
The members of these closely knit communities must arise
as never before, and brace themselves for a still greater
output of energy, and a still more convincing display of
those qualities that have distinguished their stewardship to
the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, and prepare to enter victoriously
upon the third phase of the Ten-Year Plan during the
concluding months of this current year.
The tragic sufferings afflicting their brethren in
Bahá’u’lláh’s native land, involving a setback in the projects
of this persecuted community for the erection of its Mother
Temple in Ṭihrán, must reinforce their resolve to speed the
erection of a corresponding House of Worship in the
heart of Europe. The efforts of their national elected
representatives, strenuous as they have been in recent
months, must be doubled, nay trebled, in order to offset, in
this particular and most important field, the inevitable and
deplorable delay in the accomplishment of so meritorious,
so momentous and historic a task.
Unperturbed by the clamour of inveterate, powerful and
malicious adversaries in the land of the birth of their Faith;
undaunted by the opposition which exponents of religious
orthodoxy are, to a lesser degree, now beginning to show in
their own homeland, these same elected representatives,
must press forward, resolutely, and confront and speedily
surmount whatever obstacles now stand in their path.
Theirs is a responsibility which, at this historic and
crucial stage in the evolution of their precious and beloved
Faith, they can neither minimize nor neglect. Theirs is a
God-sent opportunity to demonstrate, at this grave hour
through which the overwhelming majority of their brethren
are passing, the incorruptible character of their faith, the
indomitable spirit which animates them, the sublimity of the
principles which motivate their action, providing thereby an
abiding and sorely needed consolation to the victims of the
brutal, the wide spread and repeated persecutions engulfing
so many of their co-religionists in the cradle of their Faith.
That they may prove themselves worthy of their high
calling; that they may set an inspiring example to their co-workers
in both Hemispheres, through the number and
quality of their accomplishments; that they may discharge,
in their entirety, the manifold responsibilities assured under
a Plan constituting so notable a stage in the accomplishment
of the Glorious mission envisioned for them by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá,
is the object of my unceasing prayers when supplicating
at the threshold of His Shrine.